Need a new bass ($700 or less including case?)


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, my bassist has a nice Ibanez BTB 5-string bass, but it's all fucked up. He needs a new one real bad since we have a show coming up on Thursday. He's looking to spend no more than $700 on a 5-string including the case and any shipping (if bought online). He was looking at the Traben Phoenix 5...but he played it at Sam Ash and didn't like it's tone. I'm out of ideas. I've been looking around for him since he works most of the day of the week and doesn't have time to search on the he's not keen on body/neck woods, pickups, etc. The only thing I've come across that's a pretty good deal is Schecter's basses. I was wondering if anyone else knew of some good "midrange" 5-strings I could take a peek at to recommend to him. The band is The Forgetful Reagans (link to soundclips in my signature) something for that kind of music. Bolt-on is fine, but neck-thru would be preferred, of course. We play in C standard tuning, so something with the right woods to compliment that area of tuning. Thanks in advance.

I don't know if your bass player has found a bass, but I would recommend these to him.

G&L 2500 Tribute (I have a USA made 1505 and the Tribute line plays just as nice. Plus, the Tributes use the same electronics as the USA G&Ls)

Spector Legend (Played one of these at Guitar Center awhile back. Very, Very solid bass)

Peavey Cirrus EXP (If you can find one. Peavey made em last year and then discontinued em. Which blows cause they were probably the BEST $650 basses I've ever played.)

Yamaha TRB1005 (I'm just throwing this one out there cause it would be the bass I would buy if something were to happen to either of mine.)