Need advice on dialing in tones on Peavey 6505+


New Metal Member
Aug 6, 2008
I am having trouble in getting the right tone out of my peavey 6505+ half stack. I am using a single sm58 pointed straight on just slightly off center of one of the speakers of my 4X12 cab. I am using the lead channel and my settings are Pre:6 Low:3 Mid:2.5 High:6 Post:4 Resonance:2.5 Presence:7
The sound I am going for is Bullet for my Valentine, more specifically the song Waking the Demon. You can hear it at I am listening to the guitar in the beginning that's panned left. I would post a soundclip, but am unsure how to. If anyone could offer some insight, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Try it on the rhythm channel with crunch on:

Pre: 6.5
Bass: 6
Mid: 2
Treb: 5.5
Post: 3
Pres: 8

I seem to recall those are Colin Richardson's exact BFMV settings.

Use a tubescreamer to tighten up the low end, and I guess an SM57 rather than a 58....
Thank you for the input, I haven't tried the tubescreamer yet but did follow Colin's settings and it still isn't even close to there tone. Mine is very weak in comparison, almost sounds remotely clean. Are they doubling tracks to make is sound thicker? Any other suggestions?
Thank you for the input, I haven't tried the tubescreamer yet but did follow Colin's settings and it still isn't even close to there tone. Mine is very weak in comparison, almost sounds remotely clean. Are they doubling tracks to make is sound thicker? Any other suggestions?

quad tracking and bass guitar. If that doesnt help, use a different guitar with different pickups
pre = 4.75
low = 8.75
mid = 3
high = 5.25
post = 3.25
res = 10
pres = 9

Those settings are some I have used for the lead channel on my 6505+. Works well for me with my guitars, but might be different for you depending on your guitars. (I use 7 and 8 string guitars with passive pickups)

You may want to lower the pregain a bit if you are dual or quad tracking

Hope that gives you somewhat of a starting point
Perhaps you have done this, but I would focus on getting the best sound you can before trying to copy a tone. IMO opinion getting a great sound is a big hurdle by itself-- copying a tone is even more difficult and can be tough even with the same gear/setting/player in the same room.
thank you for all the input everyone. I just got a tube screamer and it has made a world of difference. I now am very close to the sound I was trying to match.