Need advice on POD X3 settings for bass/guitar.. bounce included..


New Metal Member
Jan 31, 2009
Hey guys,

I've just thrown down a quick bounce of a track I'm working on.. everything's tracked, but I've only just gotten this new POD X3 and I'm having trouble getting a nice tight sound out of it.

There's a bounce of the track here:

And the kind of sound I'm going for with the mix in general is like this:

Any advice at all on what to do with these guitars/bass to get them tighter, and sounding nicer, would be VERY much appreciated.

I don't have time to listen right now but I'll definitely listen tomorrow afternoon and let you know what I think you could do
In the meantime you can check out the songs on my band's myspace and see what you think of the guitar stuff there(It's in my sig)
Vocals, Bass, and Guitar were all run through my X3 Live
If you like it I can send you patches as guidelines and all that good stuff
Welcome to the forum bro!

P.S. What amp are you using?
Typically throwing a screamer in front of any of the POD high gain amps tightens your sound up like a brand new pair of tighty whiteys!
just use the tone knob to adjust how much "tightening" you are doing!
Hey buddy, your tone on Ashes of Addiction sound fantastic, I'd LOVE to get my hands on those presets, sounds much cleaner and tighter than the muddy mess I've turned my tracks into. Luckily I'm using POD Farm so I can change the settings and I have the clean signals.

The amp on the POD for now is just the Line 6 Big Bottom, wasn't really sure where to start..

Gotta love the breecore man, I spent a couple of years in a band like this, some tracks I wrote and produced are up at if you fancy a listen ;)

But yeah, I'd love to see those presets, if you could email me them at that'd be amazing.

Thanks a lot!

hey man, i love breakdown in your song.perfect.:D

Sean in Silence
awesome, your guitar tone in your "Ashes of Addiction" song it´s really incredible and your band too.
could you share that pod preset? i have POD X3 too and i´d like to try records with that incredible preset.
Alright dude
I just took a quick listen (Not on monitors) and it sounds like the guitars are a little too fizzy
drop the presence a little bit and bring up the mids a tad
what amp are you using?
I'll send you a patch of mine
throw that in the mix and tweak it and see how it sounds
Impulses can be your best friend though, especially when using a POD
It makes it sound wayyyy more realistic
thanks for the suggestion regarding the tubescreamer. mind blowing.

your ashes of the addiction tone owns. are you using a line 6 insane? correct me if i'm wrong. i had been using lunacy for a while, and been cutting off the high end a huge deal all for the sake of getting rid of the fizz. all i end up with is a muddy tone :mad:

i'd love to see your presets dude. mail them to me at
i'd fancy some production tips as well if it aint much of a problem.

thanks a bunch.

I use the Treadplate model into a 4x12 Treadplate cab with a 57 off axis(When I'm actually using the stock impulses)


These are all rough settings but my pod isn't set up and I don't have time to hook it up and get the patch for you guys
but that is basically it
I use passive pickups (until next friday) so tweak it accordingly
remember these are guidelines
not magical settings
Every person plays a little differently and has different equipment so you have to tweak your patches accordingly

for the mixing tips
well that's a whole HUGE topic in itself
there are hundreds of threads on here with some amazing knowledge on mixing and such
just take a day and read through all of them
trust me
it's worth it
for guitars I basically hipass at 60hz and lopass at 12khz
I try to use extremely minimal post eq, if any
Get it right from the beginning
it will work out better in the long run
If anyone has anymore questions just ask!:kickass:
I forgot to mention that the setting I did post is NOT the one in Ashes of Addiction
Sadly I no longer have that patch
I recorded that EP back in October and since then have improved, at least in my opinion, my tone tenfold
But if you guys really want that specific tone I can try and look for it in my backup patches
no guarantees though
I would love to see it if you could have a look :) And thanks for the tips, I'll have another play around later. Cheers!
I actually no longer have that tone or any of the other patches of Ashes of Addiction
but I do know that I used very similar settings to the tone I posted above
Just use an off axis 57 Treadplate 4x12
that should get you pretty close
tweak to taste

P.S. Welcome to Ultimatemetal Shortt!