need comments about a singing

Metal is Religion said:
hmm, so far so good.
o shit, its midi drums.
hmm, she seems like she works.
what kind of band is the supposed to be?
what do you mean about the kinda band, it's decribed as a gothic metal...
are the drums that bad?:erk: (they are not midi btw)
I think she sounds good, I don't know that much about female vocals but I think this is a pretty cool singing style. The drumming is not that bad but they sound a bit like computer drums indeed.
The female voice is ok, she's got everything, but she has nothing special on the other hand. The song is ok too, but I still need to find where is the supposed gothic metal... to me, it looks like a Prog Rock song. A good one by the way :p

Well, listening to it at the moment. I like the song, but the mix needs a fair bit of work. The strings are too loud throughout, and they could have some of the low end rolled off them. Not sure what's happened to the drums, are they samples? but you really need to hear the snare drum more. Not particularly keen on the lead guitar tone, its close but not quite there. Generally I think the individual tracks need eqing to fit them in their own "space" which should un-muddy the mix. Also, kill the reverb, there's far too much.

However, I think the singer is fantastic. And she's been recorded very well. And the song itself and playing is fine. It's just the mix that needs sorting.
She's really good, she could up the power in her voice on the last section though, that would sound great. And bring in some big guitar chords on that big too to bring up the crescendo(sp?)