Need EXCEEDINGLY cheap monitors


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Okay so i set up my profire at last, now that i had the floor space to get my monolithic pc out and lie it down to install my firewire card and shit
got sound out my headphones, but none out of my speakers
why? because they're RCA. like coaxial n shit
obselete as of like 50 fucking years ago

so, i dont have the money to buy something like KRK's or tannoys right now (i will do in a few months, but if i dont have any speakers i will actually go completely and utterly fucking insane,) i cant borrow the money off mum for decent monitors either
i could probably just about blag something in the £100 range. i got 20 spot now, 20 spot coming soon and 60 spot coming not long after that so ill be able to borrow 80 or so until i have the rest, that wont be a problem. unfortunately 280 is out of the question, but hey

out of this list, which is the least shittiest. notice i dont say best, just least shittiest.
and yeah i know, you get what you pay for, buy better monitors now while you have the chance but the fact of the matter is i wont be able to afford anything decent for months, i cant use these speakers and fuck am i mixing on these cans. those of you who have had my rant about my horrible, horrible speakers will realise just how fucking bad they are, my cans are even worse. all muddy and woofy and muffled ewww.
so basically, it comes down to shit monitors now, better ones later, fuck my life fuck my life and fuck my life.

the sad thing is whatever i end up getting off that list will be better than what im using now, which is pretty sad. but i got a huge mileage out of these and have been needing an upgrade for a while, its just a shame i have to get an incremental upgrade rather than a nice big jump.

ps. if anyone has a set of tannoys or krk's they have lying around that they dont want anymore and were going to take down to the dump, feel free to send them my way instead ;) hahahahaha
all jokes aside, rec my monitors you fucks <3<3

edit: pps. im aware i could probably get some sort of rca->1/4" adapter but any excuse to get rid of these current speakers, honestly. so dont go there
If you absolutely need to get monitor speakers, you could pick any set from that list really... I don't think they are much worse compared to each other. I think the Edirol ones are a bit better than the rest, and the Behringer MS16 is okay for just normal media use I hear.

You sure you wouldn't want to get a decent pair of headphones instead?
have you considered second hand gear? go talk to some well established studios - they may be willing to part with some old gear cheap or try the music colleges - i know my college has loads of crap lying around that they never use any more and its a ticking time bomb for someone to walk in there and make them an offer
If the second hand thing doesn't work out, from the list you've put up I'd say you're best going with the KRK RP5s G2 or the Yamaha HS50Ms. Good low budget monitors - add sub to taste later when finances allow and you're sorted.
You have to M-Audio Profire 2626? Because it has the adapter in the have to connect it in the "joystick" port. The adapter have coaxial and rca ports.
After that you have to enable the spdif/coax ports in the profire panel.
Hope it helps
That doesn't work. D: I've checked the routing and connections, it's all as it should be, still no sound. Anyway, any excuse to upgrade speakers is good right now, I'm sick of them anyway
You have to M-Audio Profire 2626? Because it has the adapter in the have to connect it in the "joystick" port. The adapter have coaxial and rca ports.
After that you have to enable the spdif/coax ports in the profire panel.
Hope it helps

Pretty sure those are all SPDIF dude ;)
what headphones do you currently use? personally i'd say if your headphones are crap then you're better off getting some decent headphones while you save for some properly budgeted monitors. that way, you're not making anything much redundant. £100 could get you some pretty decent cans, or some pretty shit monitors that won't pay their worth. Tannoys or KRKs imo should be your minimum level of investment for studio monitors.. I saved my beans and bought a pair of ADAM P11As, and never looked back.
Was thinking not long ago of selling my monitors for around 120 but shippings awkward and there is something around the corner I may need to spend money on and not a set of new monitors yet. Hopefully all will be clear soon.
Getting good headphones instead of crappy monitors seems like a good idea.
The headphones should serve you well even after your shiny new monitors are in place..

Still even the crappy monitors might even be of use. It never hurts to be able to check a mix on a different source.
If you have the room, you might wanna keep them for that.