Need help achieving a particular kick sound


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
So lately I've been working really hard on my drums. The focus at the moment is the kick.

Now, I really like what I've got (using Slate's 10z3 + some EQ) but as I'm sure a lot of you are well aware that's fast become 'the' sound at the moment. I want to keep it, but blend it with something else to achieve something of my own, whilst still retaining the awesome properties of that kick.

Top end seems to be where I'm struggling right now. I read somewhere (on here actually) recently that stated it's much better to get the best blend of kicks to get the sound you want, rather than relying on extreme EQ'ing. With that in mind I sifted through my library to try to find something that captured the 'click' that I love without being over the top. Unfortunately, they were pretty much all OTT or just didn't fit.

So here's the deal - I trigger Metal Foundry with the Slate kick, none of the Metal Foundry kicks are to my liking (too 'papery').

Here's what I'm after:

Something like the DevilDriver kick would absolutely slay. Also, the new Fozzy album has a monster kick that I've been trying to replicate for a long time now. The new Fear Factory record has a sick kick too.

It's not these kicks in their entirety that I love, but specifically their click. They're not mentally "TICK TICK TICK" (like the horrible black metal kinda kicks that click around 10k>) but they have a really mellow attack that really cuts through without getting OTT and still somehow have a very acoustic quality to them without getting boomy.

I know that's long winded and that probably could be explained with at least half the words :lol: but can anybody lend a hand with either advice or in the form of samples to try out?

I will post the latest song I'm working on shortly so you can get a better idea of what I'm running currently, and so you can throw in some ideas of what you think would work.

If it's almost there, why not just try to eq it? If you don't like the result, you can always take it off. Start with the frequency around 10khz, put a -6dB cut on the kick, the move the frequency around when you think the click sounds more pleasant to your ears.
EQ will never do it if the sound isn't there to begin with. Just start stacking kicks and blending/EQing those. If that doesn't work, borrow someone's kick, mess with tuning it, record your own samples, and figure out why the samples you already have don't have the sound you're seeking.
Yeah man that's what I've been doing but I just haven't found the right blend! Was just wondering if anybody could throw any samples my way that they think fit the bill.

Unfortunately I sold all my drum mics last year because of stupid debt so I can't make my own samples :( but I'll look into borrowing/renting some in the near future
I find blending my own kick .gog file with Mr. Sneap's kick sounds amazing after some slight EQ and throwing RVox on the kick channels ;)

On my KickBUS i just have a bit more compression, GClip and another slight EQ.

I really don't do a whole lot to it, the samples are good to begin with.
If you want all the Sneap kick samples I have them :D

Some of Behindert's kick samples are pretty awesome, I like to mix them with the Sneap kick to get my sound :D
Odd, because the Sneap kick that I have is totally not clicky, maybe I have it named wrong :P

In any case, I never use it by itself anyways. It's a very nice kick to layer under another one or two.
If you want all the Sneap kick samples I have them :D

Some of Behindert's kick samples are pretty awesome, I like to mix them with the Sneap kick to get my sound :D

Cool where can I find these Behindert kicks?!

EDIT: Cancel that, I found them!

Odd, because the Sneap kick that I have is totally not clicky, maybe I have it named wrong :P

In any case, I never use it by itself anyways. It's a very nice kick to layer under another one or two.

Oh perhaps we are talking of a different kick. I believe it's a Trivium kick that was accidentally named as a Chimaira if I'm not mistaken.

Here's the link -

They are the same as what somebody else linked me to a while ago and said that was the Sneap kick. Is there another that I don't know about?
^^^^Yeah, you can find it in Erkan's drum sample pack. In that pack you should find the Chimaira tom samples, and the Sneap snare and kick samples :D
Well the Sneap kick in that pack was the same one I had anyway - don't like it, not for my music at least! However, there was a kick in there called something like "amazing kick from Pearl forums" or something, and man that thing is the SHIT! I'm about to hit the sack but as soon as I get up I'm gonna play around with that fucker, it sounded just like what I'm looking for!
Well the Sneap kick in that pack was the same one I had anyway - don't like it, not for my music at least! However, there was a kick in there called something like "amazing kick from Pearl forums" or something, and man that thing is the SHIT! I'm about to hit the sack but as soon as I get up I'm gonna play around with that fucker, it sounded just like what I'm looking for!

I use a mix of the Sneap kick and the Pearl forum kick :D