need help for naglfar,myrkskog,and asgaroth

myrkskog is an awesome band....

brutal and really extreme complex death metal....

thay are close friends with zyklon...

the drummer from myrkskog seem will be the 2nd drummer of zyklon in their new album .....

Naglfar is fast melodic black metal. One of my favorite black metal bands. All of their albums are recommended, although Vittra maybe the easiest to get into and best of them.
Myrkskog (or at least their Tusen År Har Gått album) reminds me a bit of Dissection.
Naglfar - Superb melodic black metal
Asgaroth - Decent melodic death band, from what I've heard (I may be wrong)
I haven't heard Myrkskog.
tattooedsean666 said:
I am relatively new to these bands but I am looking forward to seeing all 3 among all the other bands at milwaukee metalfest this year.

Can anyone describe what these 3 are like?

Ignore Forlorn, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Any Naglfar album is superb, Vittra or Sheol, it doesn't matter, they both kick serious @$$. They're the epitome of melodic black metal a la Dissection, though they're far more than a simple clone.

Myrkskog is wickedly brutal and aggressive death metal. Their album from last year Superior Massacre stood out in a year with a lot of great death metal.

I've not heard any Asgaroth.
Voice of God said:
Naglfar is fast melodic black metal. One of my favorite black metal bands. All of their albums are recommended, although Vittra maybe the easiest to get into and best of them.
Myrkskog (or at least their Tusen År Har Gått album) reminds me a bit of Dissection.
Correction: "Tusen år har gått" ("a thousand years have passed" in swedish) is the first album released by Mörk Gryning (meaning Dark Dawn).

Myrkskog are norweigan and their latest album, "superior maccacre" is an ultra-fast and technical death metal onslaught which tends to get a bit boring after a while.

Naglfar are awesome and has a really skilled shrieky vocalist, one of my favourite acts. i personally think that their second full-length "Diabolical" is their strongest effort yet.
Voice of God said:
Myrkskog (or at least their Tusen År Har Gått album) reminds me a bit of Dissection.

You're thinking of Mork Gryning, who are also very good.
funny everyone considers Naglfar black metal when the band themselves call them death metal... :D

I like diabolical very much, though I don't have all albums.
Naglfar kicks serious ass, and all their efforts are worth purchasing! Especially "Vittra" and "Sheob".

Myrkskog are very fast, brutal and complex deathmetal. They are very skilled and therefore NOT boring after a while.

Post Scriptum:
Naglfar are blackmetal!!! I can't believe they say otherwise!!!
well dissection claims to be "death metal"
but i figure they sound more of a black metal band
but hey why waste time with genres
its all metal anyways.