Need help going from ProTools LE to Cubase to Sonar etc etc, anyone?


Mathew Cohen
I spend most of my time in ProTools LE, but I have recently had to turn down projects because I cant convert Cubase and/or Sonar6 sessions...

I tried the digidesign ASIO driver that would allow me to use my 002 as an I/O for all programs, but it didn't work with my setup... for whatever reason... and I had to reinstall all my previous drivers as well at PT.

I need to be able to go from one to another without having to unplug everything in my rig and hook up another interface and then do all that again to go back to protools...

Any ideas?

EDIT: me thinks I put this in the wrong category... and I can't figure out how to move it...
That would be easy if they weren't so dense... :erk:
what do you mean? from what i understand it just turns each track into one file that starts at zero, so if you open it it's the same number of tracks and everything is still aligned correctly. Is this right or am i stupid?
what do you mean? from what i understand it just turns each track into one file that starts at zero, so if you open it it's the same number of tracks and everything is still aligned correctly. Is this right or am i stupid?

ha ha ha... no you're right... what I meant by them being dense is, People are stoopid. double 'o' style.

I was referring to the bands, not the tracks ...:)
ha ha ha... no you're right... what I meant by them being dense is, People are stoopid. double 'o' style.

I was referring to the bands, not the tracks ...:)
oh bahaha yeah i thought you meant dense sessions :loco:

Anyway, we should pool our resources and write a guide on consolidation in different DAWs and then we could all use it to email to clients before they send us st00p1d 5h1t. sound like an idea?
Just have the bands consolidate their tracks so they all start at the same time, and import the wav's into PT.

Also, one of the bands had all of their stuff tracked elsewhere, they didn't do the tracking and had a fallout with the guy that did it initially...

also, when I used that ASIO driver from digi, cubase worked for like a second and then stopped and when I tried to open up a PT session, ProTools got all butt-hurt that I was with another DAW and wouldn't put out.:erk:
Also, one of the bands had all of their stuff tracked elsewhere, they didn't do the tracking and had a fallout with the guy that did it initially...

also, when I used that ASIO driver from digi, cubase worked for like a second and then stopped and when I tried to open up a PT session, ProTools got all butt-hurt that I was with another DAW and wouldn't put out.:erk:
PTLE is like an ugly girlfriend you got off the rebound because everybody else said she was a good lay but she's not. and if you cheat on her she's going to cut off your hard drive.