need help setting up 1010lt


Oct 12, 2007
The North
ok so my 1010lt finally came in the mail today :)

but apparently it was retard proof and i cant seem to get it to work right :(

yes i am a huge noob and i did infact search before asking about this..

just to let you know where im coming from, im using:

xp media center svp2

sonar 7

3 gigs ram

doul core

its in the pci slot correctly, the drivers are installed, the 1010lt drivers are selected in sonar, and also in windows audio.

i recorded a quick guitar doodle with podxt through usb with sonar and when it played back it was extremely chopped up and warped-ish.

what have i done wrong..

i am not using monitors just my regular old computer speakers, cant afford monitors right now..

i dont have to have monitors yet for this to work right do i?

any input is appreciated please help me guys i have not had a good day...
Warped as in sounding like chipmunks in a lower tone? Or with distortion?

In the former case, you've locked the 1010's frequency to a different rate than what you playback/record, eg. recording at 48 kHz and playing back with the card locked to 44.1 kHz.
In the latter case, something has hijacked your audio driver by crashing, locking it for its use, or you might have a Flash video or similar playing back in the background in a browser while you record. You may also have set the card's latency too low. Try setting it to 1024 samples first, and work your way down from there (512, 384, 256, etc). If you still get the choppiness at 1024, it's not related to that so just set it to what it was previously.
thanks for responding,

the rates are the same

since the file was playing at a slower speed the pitch reacted as if you where to slow any noise down, the track jumps around alot...

i figured out when i turn the pod on sonar autimatically sets the playback to the lin6asio driver instead of the master/1010lt that it should be on.. so i have to record without hearing anything, then save it then turn the pod off and restart sonar in order to listen...

is there a way to get past this?

also do you know how to hook this up to a sub?
ok, well it only works at 1024...

i also figured out if i put it on the wmd drivers instead of asio i dont have the pod problem...

but it only allows to it play at 16 bit instead of 24..
so ok i pretty much solved my problem except for the fact that it wont let me run on 24bit....

it keeps reseting it everytime i change it..

can anyone help?
it's likely an issue of Sonar not liking two interfaces at once.
disconnect the pod for now and see how the 1010lt works on it's own.
Use S/PDIF to connect the Pod if you must use it.

No S/PDIF on that model.
Throw it out!
argg bummer i dont have cash for x3 right now.

well anyways i got them to work without the drivers conflicting im just curious why it wont let me run on 24 bit?