need help upgrading my guitar


May 28, 2010

here is the guitar I have:

Because of thin walls, I cannot play through an amp, and I must play via headphones through my RP355 pedal board. I have some extra money to blow on some upgrades, so I was wondering what you all would recommend. I am looking into upgrading my pickups to these:

do you think it would make a big difference and be worth it? What other little gadgets do you think I could get to make my guitar sound even more awesome? Is there anything out there that will sound way better than playing directly through the digitech RP355? I play mostly metal by the way.

here is a link to the rp355 pedal board specs:
I wouldn't bother upgrading that guitar. It's made out of cheap wood that isn't worth upgrading, especially with a pair of pickups that only cost $80 less than the guitar does.

If you want something different, I'd sell your guitar, and buy an ESP in the 400 series or higher used. They come with EMGs or Duncans stock and the craftsmanship and quality is overall much better.
While I myself upgraded a guitar I bought for 100 euros with a pickup I bought for ~80 euros, in my case it was more going from a single coil to a singlecoil sized humbucker, which improved my distortion tone a lot. In your case, you're going from humbucker to humbucker, so I'd agree, sell the guitar and use the money from that plus the 200 dollars (the ones you were gonna use on the pickups) to get a better guitar.
I wouldn't bother upgrading that guitar. It's made out of cheap wood that isn't worth upgrading, especially with a pair of pickups that only cost $80 less than the guitar does.
This. Exactly this.

Personally I'd put that $200 towards a new guitar, or small amp with a headphone output, like the Blackstar HT-1 or HT-5. Since a real amp will do more for your tone than those pickups.
Well, I agree with the above posts. But, if you do end up getting something with EMGs 81/85, there is an interesting upgrade you can do: you can mod the battery so you get 18V instead of the standard 9V. I've done it to my Jackson King V and it honestly a lot sounded better. More dynamic sounding and I was able to get a much better tone(I use headphones also when I'm guitaring, though I get my tone from Cubase). IIRC, it didn't make much of a difference to some people but others found it a lot better. it's well worth a try! takes about 5 minutes and really cheap!(no more than 5$)