Need help with my home studio rig (PT10 bogging down)

Yes Firewire. Digi003 rack to a recent iMac i7 3.7gHz / 32Go RAM / Mac OS 10.8 running PT10.3.9. I have to try with my Firestudio tho.
I got plenty of error messages actually. Performance wise, CPU is quite high even with buffer size at max and set to 7 cores (but some sessions have many tracks and shitload of plugins so it's normal to me) BUT disk performance is high as well wich is not normal I think. I will switch my audio HDD very soon, maybe the current one is almost dead. Anyway, it does not explain the VSTi missing, crashes and once VMR eq modules missing... What I would like is to be able to read the crash reports.

PS - never got issues with audio HHD via USB but I saw that Firewire was recommanded... What's right?
It could be a hot swapping type issue. Always turn on the FireWire interface before turning on the computer. Let me know if that helps. You do have the computer maximized to be an audio computer right? You should be able to find basic things to setup so it's "dedicated" to being a daw machine.
Yes I follow pretty much everything that is recommanded and it was working fine before the plugin install.
This makes no sense. Unless you're using your mix computer to browse the internet and visiting gimmicky sites that install crap on your computer. If you have an install that doesn't change much other than new vsts, DAW and OS updates, this shouldn't happen.

The difference between the way things SHOULD work and they way they DO work is often quite vast. Pro Tools is tortuously picky about playing nice with OS updates and the point updates sometimes wreak havoc with system stability without a clean install.

Back when all the software developers used iLok it was much easier, and I could do it in a few hours, but these days it takes almost an entire day. Still, it's worth it for maximum stability.