Need mid-priced DI chain suggestions

What bothers me is that I only started getting decent DIs when I upgraded to my ADI-8 AE converter. I trust the Countryman and SafeSound can do the job... but I really don't hold much stock in the cheap, toy interfaces.

Maybe the lower-end models from RME would be ok? The Multiface converter I had got pissed on by the ADI-8 I have now, but maybe it's the only decent cheap option? Maybe they've updated the conversion in their newer line of interfaces.

About the Apogee, I'm unsure whether they run Macs. I kinda doubt it actually.
Ah I completely forgot about that, I think something like an rme babyface would be fine. But it really depends on how much they are going to be using it, if they intend to get some longevity out of it perhaps s second hand fireface 400?

Tbh man, the mid level stuff has come a long way recently and I think just about anything that's from a half decent company will be fine, especially if you are pairing that with the safe sound pre.

Check out the overstayer mic preamp, I've heard very good things.
About the Apogee, I'm unsure whether they run Macs. I kinda doubt it actually.

Apogee interfaces are actually made to only run on Mac's.

Here is my opinion. Honestly, I think that this whole idea of getting a band setup with proper DI>pre>interface is going to be an unending pain in the ass, especially when it comes to the band recording the DI tracks properly. The possibilities for things to be fucked up during tracking are limitless when put into some inexperienced person's hands. Then you will just take more of your time helping them fix what was messed up. What if they buy what you tell them and "Oh snap we paid so much in tariffs for all of this dope gear that we have no clue how to use; that we cannot pay you your asking rate. Can you give us a break?" Or "Oh snap we recorded some of these parts out of tune can you re-track them for us etc. etc. etc."

You probably could have already recorded some of their songs by now in the time it's taken to help them. From what I gathered in this thread, the band wants to save some money by basically cutting you out of the equation for some parts of the recording process. You are now being a nice guy and spending your time enabling this behavior.

Again, this is just my opinion but don't become even remotely responsible for their DI's when you aren't even being paid for tracking them.
What bothers me is that I only started getting decent DIs when I upgraded to my ADI-8 AE converter. I trust the Countryman and SafeSound can do the job... but I really don't hold much stock in the cheap, toy interfaces.

Some of the best sounding Dis I've reamped came from garbage gear. Go figure. Can't say what albums, but you can speculate all you want :lol:

The Saffire is definitely good.
Here is my opinion. Honestly, I think that this whole idea of getting a band setup with proper DI>pre>interface is going to be an unending pain in the ass, especially when it comes to the band recording the DI tracks properly. The possibilities for things to be fucked up during tracking are limitless when put into some inexperienced person's hands. Then you will just take more of your time helping them fix what was messed up. What if they buy what you tell them and "Oh snap we paid so much in tariffs for all of this dope gear that we have no clue how to use; that we cannot pay you your asking rate. Can you give us a break?" Or "Oh snap we recorded some of these parts out of tune can you re-track them for us etc. etc. etc."

You probably could have already recorded some of their songs by now in the time it's taken to help them. From what I gathered in this thread, the band wants to save some money by basically cutting you out of the equation for some parts of the recording process. You are now being a nice guy and spending your time enabling this behavior.

Again, this is just my opinion but don't become even remotely responsible for their DI's when you aren't even being paid for tracking them.

I'm with you on that one. I spent a fair making it clear to them that the result of going about things this way would be a pain in the ass for everyone, and would lead to an inferior sounding end product. Some artists are just intent on cutting costs regardless. This is just a reality that's dealt with day to day. I'm enabling it because I'll ultimately be the one mixing, regardless of whether they tracked the DIs on an Mbox, as they originally proposed (yeah) or whether we sort out a half-decent DI chain for them to use.

I'll take a closer look at the RME and Focusrite stuff, and see if anything shines.