Need mid-priced DI chain suggestions


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I'm working with yet another band who are intent on tracking the guitars on their record themselves. While I always strongly advise against this, it seems in this situation the practical/financial aspects are winning out.

So basically what I need is a solid DI/Mic Pre/Interface combo to suggest to them.

So far I was thinking:

Countryman Type 85 > SafeSound P1 > ???

I really don't know which mid/low interface has decent converters on it these days. Normally I used to suggest the RME Multiface, but I don't know if there's anything more practical/current for people to use.

Suggestions appreciated!

The DI in of the safe sound P1 is AWESOME it's actually my favourite DI for bass.
BUT some EMG's output is too hot for it (there's no pad).
for passive pups etc I'd use the P1 as DI
the new mbox 3 is great... (at home) i use type85/vt573/ff800

but i have used the new mbox and the converters are really nice and the prices ain't too bad either.

great alternative: type85/ga-pre73/mbox3
If you like Ermz I have some time Sunday and I can borrow a country man from a friend and cut you some DI's so you see how it will work for you. I have a ton of DI's right now but I dont use a DI box. I just plug straight into the interface.
kev said:
I did a countryman with saffire vs standard saffire clip on here a while ago and it turned out good. Little bit cleaner and a nicer response I seem to recall.

Yeah I remember that one, the countryman was better but the difference was almost negligible. Anyways, I was saying you could use the countryman into the saffire's mic preamp, but yeah I've used the DI input and it really is the best in that price range IMO
the new mbox 3 is great... (at home) i use type85/vt573/ff800

but i have used the new mbox and the converters are really nice and the prices ain't too bad either.

great alternative: type85/ga-pre73/mbox3

i´ll test that combination (type85/ga-pre73) next week. i bought the type85 two days ago.:) i can post my results.
I mostly just need an interface with good conversion. I intend for the guys to buy a SafeSound P1 for the mic-pre portion of the signal. This will double back as a vocal chain when time comes, so can't skimp too much.
Ermz... Out of curiosity? Anyone I know? I may be able to lend some gear for a short time if need be? Just throwing that out there :)
The guys need a set-up to last them a prolonged period of time. I don't think they're a band you know personally.

Just need to be sure this will get worthwhile results. So once again... any interfaces out there with good conversion in a lower price range would be appreciated. I've really not kept current on any low-end gear for a while.
I don't think the AD converters would be an issue at all with a 2626 or a saffire pro 40. Not sure if the smaller models from the same brands would hold up though.
Actually my DI's sounds just fine with a simple 2626/Type 85 combo.