Need some feedback (tight deadline). Female-fronted + real drums


Nov 19, 2005
Help me out and I'll post pics :D
No sample replacement and no amp sims in this one.

I think it's pretty close to how I want it to sound (angry and powerful) but we've been rushing this project quite a bit so I'd really appreciate some general feedback before I hand it over (deadline is Dec 10th)

Sample 1
Sample 2

Some of the mix decisions were influenced by the band but I won't mention which since it's not too late to convince them it's not a good idea. Any feedback is welcome.
Hey man, the second sample is sounding pretty killer. The group vocals and all that fit right on.

The first sample though, the kick is really overpowering IMO. It just sounds too snappy (in the high end freq's). If you could figure out a way to soften the kick I think it would found a lot better. :headbang:
Thanks guys, the low end was indeed overboard.
updated mix 1

The kick highs are requested by the drummer so I'll keep them that way. Well, I did add a multiband compressor to keep them under control a bit.

Let me know if you like this one more :)

And as promised, here's a photo of us looking stupid

Really really nice mix. There's something really unpleasant going on in the lowmids. Maybe a very slight pumping, I'm strugglin to hear what it actually is, but it's really fatiguing and unpleasant.