need some ideas for fixing the lowend section here

I spent several hours getting a decent bass sound, I think its kindof ok now. I cut the low and high freqz from the guitars, around 150-180 hz I made a little inverse fill for the kick to let some bass cut thru the mix. I think something is not good, still. Should I use c4 or something like that for this? after many hours of mixing I got tired and my ears hear anything acceptable. help greatly appreciated.:)
dude, the writing is amazing! overall, i think the bass is still a little cloudy but not bad at all..
the bass guitar might have a little bit rumble..
Well, for one thing, the whole mix is clipping pretty heavily. As for the low end, I would use a low shelf on the kick starting around 130hz and down, and take off between 1.5-3db.
love the songwriting, but i think the culprit is the mix headroom, not the actual frequencies. I mean if this instrument fight happened with more headroom it would be very similar to Periphery's kind of pumping kick drums... I can't really explain it with words but just aaaaaaagh :lol:
I really like Hungary so far, I just moved to a new flat in Kláuzal tér, just in the middle of Szeged. I'm gonna stay there at least for 2 more years, so I'm excited about going back to Szeged in two weeks! (now I'm with my parents in Spain)
