Need some input

I would love to see them added if they had a special set list. I will say that it would be better to see a band at progpower than most concert clubs. I will use pain salvation as an example. I can't see myself having enjoyed seeing them last year in a dive in phoenix more so than their performance at the earthlink
Hi Glenn
Im From Mexico, i saw Edguy here in Monterrey Mexico in 2002, i saw it again in PP5 and again here in Monterrey last october the 16th, as you see 2 times in 1 month, if the band is good i think shouldn't be problem.
Hi Glenn... I think by now, with 5 festivals under your belt, that everybody trusts you a 100%. Watching a band perform at Prog Power is always special,is a different atmosphere, is just better!!! so if it was up to me..I would say Yes!! Book the band for PP6!! and if you are refering to Rhapsody!!! I would them twice!!!

Carlos :headbang:
you know what you're doing.

just to repeat a dozen others, if extensive is truly extensive, prolly not unless they are headline caliber for pp. opener for pp, i'd say get someone else since there are some damn good bands that deserve a pp slot.

i said slot. hehe.

Harvester said:
Just curious as to your thoughts on a subject that has came up with me. One of the bands that I want for next year may catch a very good tour across North American tour in the early spring as the main opening act. Not only would this be their first time in the States, but it will be an extensive tour.

So, knowing that, would you still want them to play the festival? Or should I turn my attention towards someone that has not performed in the States yet or only been here once/twice in several years?

Glenn H.

Hmmm... without trying to overanalyze things, I think it is great that you get bands over here for an American debut. I think it is something very unique for the particular PP events and a special treat for American fans, but I think quality of the band comes first. Obviously, you considered this band for a slot for good reason and I think whether they tour in the US or not should be less of a concern than how well they will play @ PP and how well the audience will like them even if for a second (or third etc.) time.

I'd say bring em, its not that often we get to see the kind of bands that ProgPower brings to the States. I just want to see a reunited Stratovarius headline ProgPower for this year, and Running Wild.
Since it will be thier first time touring the states, even though an extensive one, sounds like a PP band to me. I'm sure your choice will be a good one!
I would say try to get a different band. Since the other group already has an extended tour lined up, better to give the PP6 slot to someone who may otherwise not get the opportunity for exposure.
Being a foreigner (from Honduras) I was only able to make it to PP3, and the reason was the extremely kick-ass, awesome, unbelievable, hyper-cool, ultra-powerful, unforgettable lineup.
So, I don’t have a chance to go around the US for other concerts… if it’s that king of band.
It's interesting, going back through this thread and mentally filling in "Sonata Arctica" where the name belongs.......

I still think I'd like to see them for a 'real' show. Somehow I doubt that seeing them open for Nightwish with a shorter set at smaller venues will detract too much from a longer set at Earthlink Live.
I don't see why it should be a factor at all. How many people attending Progpower will actually have seen this tour? 10%? 20%?

If they were hitting like every city in the US like they were Bon Jovi or something it would be different, but I don't see that it would make sense to not book a band for Progpower because they played a dozen US dates or so.
People will still come to Progpower regardless. How many times can you get the US debut of bands now the way bands are touring now? I think Progpower will evolve into a Wacken type festival. Glenn is going to have to pyut together kickass lineups (even though the bands tour stateside) Power Metal is becoming a bit more popular over here, it will be more difficult to do what Glenn wants to do every year. (especially with other festivals popping up) Hell Nightwish is playing the NE Hardcore and Metal fest, that's crazy.

I would love to see Annihilator at Progpower.