Need some very good ears...

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

Here are two versions of the same guitar track (Andy's Boogie V30 with i5) with two different multiband compressors : Waves C4 and TC Electronic DynamicEQ. Can any of you hear a big difference between the quality of the two, and if so describe which one you like the best (of course, the settings are not exactly the same) ? That would be much appreciated :)

Here are the files (24 bits 44.100 KHz wav files, 8Mo each)


Thanks a lot !


Gave them both a few listens, and I prefer Clip A. It seems to have a cleaner sound to it, a little more defined. Clip B doesn't sound bad at all, but it seems to have a little more "grit" or "mud" in least for my preference.
Hey, I can hear the mud!:Spin: (bloody Bx8's)
I'd call it warmth, I guess I like mud (mmm so tasty!)...:D So my favourite is B but I can easily figure why most of the listeners will prefer the A. A is more focused indeed, more \m/...
I also prefer A... slightly... but, to my ears at least, the differences are very minute... I heard a much greater difference between clips on the preamp thread...
Cool thank you. A was Waves C4 and B and C were TC Electronic DynamicEQ. I think they are pretty similar in quality (just different to set up), which is good because I don't feel like spending so much money on the C4 if the DynEQ can do the trick...
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Cool thank you. A was Waves C4 and B and C were TC Electronic DynamicEQ. I think they are pretty similar in quality (just different to set up), which is good because I don't feel like spending so much money on the C4 if the DynEQ can do the trick...

Although I like A the best, if C was the DynamicEQ which you can buy for a lot less cash, I can't hear that much of a difference to justify the extra price...:cool: Care to share some settings?