Need someone to process MIDI drums to actual samples (SSD/MF/SD2 preferred)

May 1, 2009
Bay Area, CA.
Not sure how common this is but I just need someone to process MIDI drums for me. I like the Slate/SD2.0 skins & Metal Foundry cymbal combo that quite a few people use on this forum. Let me add that this requires no editing and doesn't have lots of dynamics, just pretty straight forward extreme death it should be a very easy task.

I'm a graphic designer, so I could trade for some work or throw a few bucks your way via PayPal. Message me for a few examples if you're interested in that trade.

I already have Slate and SD2.0 but looking for someone with the MF pack for the cymbals. I really like them and would like to hear those on the drum tracks I have processed. Thanks anyways. Let me know if you'd still like to get some graphic work done.