Need young american girl voice

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004

Some of you may remember (Matt Crooks ? ;)) but a few monthes ago I asked for a couple to record a dialogue for me to include as samples on my album. I asked them to have a baby quickly and have it preferably born at the age of 7-12, but they miserably failed (because of "le chat" I guess) ! So I'm again asking for help on this amazing forum :) I need someone who could record a young girl reading a line (it's just 2 phrases). The girl must have a perfect american accent (this is why I can't find anyone here in France :() and be aged between 7 and 12 I guess... She has to sound young, like a young child starting to realise its own existence (don't know at what age kids do that, lol).

If you can help me that would be awesome, PM me :)

Thanks a lot

What quality does it have to be? I have an SM58 and a VTB-1 for rough stuff, but my little sister is 11 (sounds anywhere from 8-10 I'd say) and American ;).

Brett - K A L I S I A said:

Some of you may remember (Matt Crooks ? ;)) but a few monthes ago I asked for a couple to record a dialogue for me to include as samples on my album. I asked them to have a baby quickly and have it preferably born at the age of 7-12, but they miserably failed (because of "le chat" I guess) ! So I'm again asking for help on this amazing forum :) I need someone who could record a young girl reading a line (it's just 2 phrases). The girl must have a perfect american accent (this is why I can't find anyone here in France :() and be aged between 7 and 12 I guess... She has to sound young, like a young child starting to realise its own existence (don't know at what age kids do that, lol).

If you can help me that would be awesome, PM me :)

Thanks a lot
