Need your Morgana Lefay suggestions

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
I finally picked up the latest Morgana Lefay disc, "Grand Materia" after they slayed me in Chicago earlier this year. Definitely a top 5 disc of the year for me. I don't know how they flew under my radar all this time.

So, I absolutely love "Grand Materia" and would like fans who love this CD to recommend other discs by Morgana Lefay. Of course, I would like to start adding discs that most closely sound like GM. I don't want any suprises. I know there were many lineup changes in the history of the band, but would prefer to stick to discs with Charles Rytkönen on vocals.

I agree the new CD rules. Been a big fan of theirs for about 10 years now. My other favorites by them are Maleficium (another great concept album) and Sanctified. Check them out. You can't go wrong.
Maleficium is godly in every way. The absolute best place to start. Any of the others are good. I'd say the s/t is not as strong and neither is "knowing just as I". Sanctified and the Secret Doctrine are quite strong. The Secret Doctrine, I'd say, is the second best of the old ones. Also check out the band Lefay and their newer cds since it's half of Morgana.
wow, this is the second "Need Morgana Lefay recommendations!" post that I've answered in the past 15 minutes. :)

If you like Grand Materia, get Maleficium immediately; it's their best and most epic disc. Also check out Lefay - The Seventh Seal; I consider Grand Materia to be somewhat of a cross between TSS and Maleficium. From there, just work your way backwards; you can't go wrong with any Lefay/Morgana Lefay disc.
The Fiddler said:
I know there were many lineup changes in the history of the band, but would prefer to stick to discs with Charles Rytkönen on vocals.


Well, that's not a problem -- Charles sang on all of them except for the S/T, which I highly recommend avoiding for a variety of reasons!

I would agree with others here and say that you must stop whatever you are doing and get Maleficium right now! After that, any and all would be good next steps. :)

The Fiddler said:
I finally picked up the latest Morgana Lefay disc, "Grand Materia" after they slayed me in Chicago earlier this year. Definitely a top 5 disc of the year for me. I don't know how they flew under my radar all this time.

So, I absolutely love "Grand Materia" and would like fans who love this CD to recommend other discs by Morgana Lefay. Of course, I would like to start adding discs that most closely sound like GM. I don't want any suprises. I know there were many lineup changes in the history of the band, but would prefer to stick to discs with Charles Rytkönen on vocals.


Lefay - S.O.S., and Seventh Seal
Then Get
Morgana Lefay - The Secret Doctrine!... if Cold World doesnt Kick your ass nothing will!
once you get those get the Rest!! and avoid that Self Titled disc at all costs!!!! :grin:
There's a good compilation called Fata Morgana that is a great introduction to the band. A friend turned me on to that before I went to PowerFest. I also really liked Gran Materia.
Thanks everyone. I just got "Malfecium" and "The Secret Doctrine" from Laser CD this past Saturday and they are excellent. "Grand Materia" is still my favorite. I'll be buying the rest of their catalog at ProgPower next week.
booB said:
lol... bring about $100, they have a lot of cds. :)

No kidding. I thought I was "all caught up" with releases I wanted. Then I find out that Lance King will have the new Pyramaze and Avian for sale. And of course Ken will have the new Zero Hour. Hopefully Stride will have something for sale too. $$$!!! Fortunately I like donating to starving artists.
actually, the $100 is just for the Morgana Lefay catalog... that includes the three discs they recorded under the name "Lefay". You're missing the following:

Knowing Just As I
Past Present Future (a best-of comp, but has some great previously unreleased material that you MUST own)
Fata Morgana (best-of comp that you can skip, if you get all their releases -- I own it, but just for completism's sake ;) )
The Seventh Seal
Symphony of the Damned (their original vinyl-only demo, re-recorded)
booB said:
actually, the $100 is just for the Morgana Lefay catalog... that includes the three discs they recorded under the name "Lefay". You're missing the following:

Knowing Just As I
Past Present Future (a best-of comp, but has some great previously unreleased material that you MUST own)
Fata Morgana (best-of comp that you can skip, if you get all their releases -- I own it, but just for completism's sake ;) )
The Seventh Seal
Symphony of the Damned (their original vinyl-only demo, re-recorded)

Thanks booB!

Does Charles sing on all of the above discs? I'll save the comps until I get all the studio releases.
Yep, Charles is on all of them... I think Stephanie mentioned earlier on that he sang on all except the s/t. The s/t is worth skipping, unless you like bad Soundgarden ripoff music. :)

The Seventh Seal, Symphony of the Damned, and SOS are the three albums released under the name "Lefay"... just FYI, in case you're looking for them and can't find them.