negroes force mother and son to have sex

It's been called a shit forum since day 1 on UM. It's just a progression of time until each member catches on and points it out.

Home sweet home.
yeah really. When this board first opened there was HATE. Only prissy bitches ever really complain about its state because they're too goddamn stale or lack a massive ego and are, as I said, prissy bitches.
Some of you dickwads should take some history lessons and learn about some of the atrocities committed by your not-so-distant ancestors right here in the good 'ol US of A.
1) We weren't even born back then

2) Many of us don't come from your beloved US of A

3) Sure my country shot up a lot of Africans as well, but

4) I wasn't even born back then

5) Stop being a PC whiner
Actually, I'm specifically referring to the "colonials" and the heinous crimes committed against Native Americans. I'm sure that most of you punkass pseudo-intellectuals have no clue.

But regardless, if you losers (and I mean that from the bottom of my huge half-black cock) have any respect for this band Nevermore you'd stop the racist shit. I don't doubt that people come here and start thinking that Nevermore perpetuates this ignorance. Or, at least, the band has fools for fans. It's really, really, really lame.
Actually, I'm specifically referring to the "colonials" and the heinous crimes committed against Native Americans. I'm sure that most of you punkass pseudo-intellectuals have no clue.

Yeah, cause thats totally one of those things in american history that is covered up, and definitely not taught in basic american history.

You know, racism wouldn't be a problem if people didn't get so damn butt hurt. Hell, I got called a gringo today at work and I shrugged it off. Same thing, just different race as the target.

And remember this: WE ARE NOT OUR ANCESTORS. People seem to forget that little point. Hell, I have no idea who mine are. I know they were greasy and smelly, but thats about it.
Actually, I'm specifically referring to the "colonials" and the heinous crimes committed against Native Americans. I'm sure that most of you punkass pseudo-intellectuals have no clue.
Then enlighten us what you did mean? Martin Luther King who got blown away? Sad fact that it happened, but again, we weren't even alive back then.

But regardless, if you losers (and I mean that from the bottom of my huge half-black cock)
Aha, so that's where the problem is. Now I see why you see racism in every corner. I'm not saying I'm 100% okay with all the shit that gets posted here, but you blubbing about it, that's just as bad. If we were only half as touchy as black folks, MTV would be bombed to bits already.

have any respect for this band Nevermore you'd stop the racist shit. I don't doubt that people come here and start thinking that Nevermore perpetuates this ignorance. Or, at least, the band has fools for fans. It's really, really, really lame.
Oh no! What ever shall we do!

Seriously, if you can't take a few jokes, even if they are racist, then go live on the moon or something.

You know, racism wouldn't be a problem if people didn't get so damn butt hurt. Hell, I got called a gringo today at work and I shrugged it off. Same thing, just different race as the target.
Ah, but didn't you know? Only whites can be racist, remember? Blacks are all saints who go through an eternity of suffering because of the White Man.

And remember this: WE ARE NOT OUR ANCESTORS. People seem to forget that little point. Hell, I have no idea who mine are. I know they were greasy and smelly, but thats about it.
Mine came somewhere from Italy, but I kinda lost track there.

Even if we were our ancestors, mine all came over in the 19th and 20th centuries, so pfffttthbbb.
Mine have never even been in the U.S.

For your convenience, metalkingdom, I compiled all the possibly "racist shit" that has been posted in this thread:

disgusting, they should be beaten to death by nazis using shovels.

haha, that kid got hard watching my pals fuck his mother. Dark shit.

You sound like a negro

Is that really so bad? No it isn't. Don't be such a whiney crybaby.
Words only have the power to hurt if you let them. The only way for a word like "my pals" to die is if people stop caring when you say it. Like everyone else alive, I am ultimately descended from humans or near-humans who lived in Sub-Saharan Africa a few million years ago, which makes me part my pals. I don't see any reason to be more or less proud/ashamed/defined by my recent ancestry than by my ancient ancestry.
I'm glad I belong to such an intelligent and articulate online community.

Sadly, it's not this one. I'm not easily riled (except by mediocrity and idiocy) but I've never came across a single thread that manages to pack so much stupidity within two pages. I disagree with pretty much every single post, perhaps with Lord Foul's latest as an exception.
Eh if I really cared (ie, if this wasn't a discussion on a bands internet forum) I'd put an intelligent comment forward, but I don't really feel the need to make an effort in this situation.