
Nel momento stesso in cui un genere come il black metal vede ormai esaurita la propria spinta rivoluzionaria e sembra non esserci spazio per ulteriori evoluzioni, a meno di non stravolgerne completamente la natura, chiunque voglia mantenersi fedele alle origini - evitando di scadere nel mero revivalismo - non può che concentrarsi sulla capacità di comunicare sensazioni ed emozioni.

In questo sono maestri i Negura Bunget, da sempre capaci di coniugare in maniera perfetta misantropia e isolazionismo black con un intenso amore per la natura incontaminata, non a caso la Transilvania. Ogni loro album trasuda di vento e foreste, montagne aspre e inverni gelidi, operazione che risulterebbe fittizia e poco credibile se non fosse supportata da una sensibilità del tutto peculiare e da una capacità espressiva al di fuori degli stereotipi. Per questi motivi i Negura Bunget continuano a mantenere saldamente un posto di culto e un fascino unico nel cuore di tutti gli amanti del black metal, quelli che non si lasciano affascinare da trend e “bluff” mediatici, ma ricercano costantemente l’essenza intima di questo genere musicale. Om non delude le aspettative, sapendo alternare alle sfuriate black le ormai classiche aperture pittoriche dei Negura Bunget, autentici maestri nel tessere affreschi di raro impatto evocativo. Guidati da una totale devozione per la propria terra, i musicisti non si perdono dietro alla consueta parata di immagini stereotipate e puntano tutto su un songwriting capace di alternare orchestrazioni ai confini del dark-ambient, maestosi recitati e melodie dal tocco vellutato. Più che un album, Om appare come un viaggio per immagini e non perde l’occasione di confermare i Negura Bunget come uno dei pochi nomi in grado di andare oltre le divisioni di scena, per offrire all’ascoltatore qualcosa che si avvicina pericolosamente allo stato dell’arte in campo black metal.

I have the translation for the song titles ... the best I could with my limited Romanian ... I feel the titles say so much about the mood of each track that they are an important element.

01. Ceasuri Rele Bad Times
02. Tesarul De Lumini Treasure of Lights
03. Primul Om First Man
04. Cunoasterea Tacuta Silent Knowledge
05. Inarborat Rooted (not sure?!)
06. Dedesuptul Under
07. Norilor To the Skies
08. De Piatra Of Stone
09. Cel Din Urma Vis The Last Dream
10. Hora Soarelui Sun Dance (Hora being a typical Romanian folk dance)
11. Al Doilea/Om The Second / Man

most of the titles are using very coloquial language so the translation might be off a bit

Just a brilliant release ...
I wonder why the band website doesn't reflect much of a change in regards to this release? OM has been coming a long time, I would have thought there would have been much more focus on it's final release.
lurch70 said:
I have the translation for the song titles ... the best I could with my limited Romanian ... I feel the titles say so much about the mood of each track that they are an important element.

01. Ceasuri Rele Bad Times
02. Tesarul De Lumini Treasure of Lights
03. Primul Om First Man
04. Cunoasterea Tacuta Silent Knowledge
05. Inarborat Rooted (not sure?!)
06. Dedesuptul Under
07. Norilor To the Skies
08. De Piatra Of Stone
09. Cel Din Urma Vis The Last Dream
10. Hora Soarelui Sun Dance (Hora being a typical Romanian folk dance)
11. Al Doilea/Om The Second / Man

most of the titles are using very coloquial language so the translation might be off a bit

Just a brilliant release ...

thx for the translation Lurch! very interesting for me as well :)

but... do you already own a copy of the cd? :confused:
The Hubster said:
I wonder why the band website doesn't reflect much of a change in regards to this release? OM has been coming a long time, I would have thought there would have been much more focus on it's final release.

that was the initial plan, i dunno what's going on, maybe they had some problems with the webmaster... (look at the code666 webstire, it's not updated since ages and we cannot do nothing to change this... we're working on a brand new one but webmasters are too slow and lazy...)
Emi said:
thx for the translation Lurch! very interesting for me as well :)

but... do you already own a copy of the cd? :confused:

np ...

don't own it yet, but heard the promo
Emi said:
that was the initial plan, i dunno what's going on, maybe they had some problems with the webmaster... (look at the code666 webstire, it's not updated since ages and we cannot do nothing to change this... we're working on a brand new one but webmasters are too slow and lazy...)

flash has its place ... but not with these types of sites that need constant updates and you have to rely on the designer to do it.
Emi said:
btw, it seems that we're finally ready with a temporary new code666 website, a lot simplier and easier to update... few days and it will be online :cool:

Great stuff Emi, look fwd to seeing it.

I have a question - will we see new Negura Bunget merch come out anytime soon? Or restocks of older shirts?
lurch70 said:
I have the translation for the song titles ... the best I could with my limited Romanian ... I feel the titles say so much about the mood of each track that they are an important element.

01. Ceasuri Rele Bad Times
02. Tesarul De Lumini Treasure of Lights
03. Primul Om First Man
04. Cunoasterea Tacuta Silent Knowledge
05. Inarborat Rooted (not sure?!)
06. Dedesuptul Under
07. Norilor To the Skies
08. De Piatra Of Stone
09. Cel Din Urma Vis The Last Dream
10. Hora Soarelui Sun Dance (Hora being a typical Romanian folk dance)
11. Al Doilea/Om The Second / Man

most of the titles are using very coloquial language so the translation might be off a bit

Just a brilliant release ...

Actually ţesar means weaver (so Weaver of Lights). Also, Norilor is more closely translated to "of clouds". Good job with the rest, though, especially if Romanian's not your first language.

Edit: also, "dedesuptul" would be better translated to "the underneath" i guess
Started to watch the DVD at last...

... I've decided to start off with the interview.

To say these men are interesting is an understatement. It seems almost all of the interview is about spirituality and is extremely fascinating.

For the devoted fan, this is very good for providing more understanding of their approach to their musical expression. It truly is unique.