circus_brimstone said:
I want US distribution now! :mad:

Just purchase it from Aural. :Smug:

Bloody amazing album! Drudkh, Agalloch, Wolves in the Throne Room, they can all step to the side, this has album of the year written all over it!
It's so damn good it inspired me to pick up the 3cd box set of their back catalogue.
Okay. Been thinking a LOT here, so here's my opinion on "OM":

It is with "struggling perception" that I write these words in the context of this latest Negură Bunget release - "OM" is a complex and layered piece of work and I feel reviewing it would serve an injustice. Music reviews tend to "trap" music by defining it, and I feel this conflicts with "OM" because it's a piece of work which I consider one of the most "vast" I have ever heard.

"OM" can not be approached from a typical Black Metal perspective. To do so would completely ridicule the amount of work that has gone into this new release and pigeonhole it.

This is not an "album": after listening to it countless times, watching the DVD which accompanies the music, accounting for the bands spirituality, combined with the complete visual presentation, I will say that "OM" is "a document", but I use this term as "vastly" as I can. Perhaps saying it's an "experience" is a better portrayal.

"OM" indirectly extends from the treat we got with the Inarborat Kosmos EP, but does so on a truly epic scale. One could almost say that Negură Bunget's entire existence has built up to this release: it combines their journey so far, but then leaps above to a new, almost unfathomable level.

This release is almost "sacred", it is highly conceptualised. Every note played or sung, every drum beat every growl or shriek and every ambient interlude seems to have a clear metaphysical and natural expressive purpose. The album seems to be written and performed in such a way that it is like air: everywhere, flowing through everything, almost physically touchable, having colour and yet having none.

Without being able to decipher the lyrics, I can only draw upon my feelings: this music is about cosmic life. It is about existence on a spiritually vast, yet physically small level. Our physically minute place in the universe, and the vast size of our metaphysical selves. This is what the music, using Black Metal (as a foundation only) speaks to me.

I say Black Metal is used as a foundation because this is where Negură Bunget's path has logically led to. Black Metal influences are still there as they were on "'N Crugu Bradului", but now the music has grown into something with more breath, and funnily enough, I think we first got hint of this higher maturity on "'N Crugu Bradului".

There are more sweeping (note, NOT melodic) elements to the music, we are treated to more ambient soundscapes, sounds of nature itself and excellent use of folk instruments as Negură Bunget have never shown us before. For those seeking the Negură Bunget Black Metal elements, fear not, they are still present, but now balanced with a majestic element to the music, a strikingly obvious and higher maturity delivered via exceptional musical execution.

"OM" can not just be listened to, it must be experienced via multiple senses: emotion, visual and aural in order to make complete sense. I found I came to this realisation more so when I had watched the DVD (more about this realisation in a moment).

The DVD component of "OM" (and I do consider it to be part of "OM" as much as the audio CD is) is jawdropping, the work that has gone into it is truly impressive: the band interview is fascinating and a must-see in order to gain more insight into the music. Every pixel of the artwork, every audible sound and spoken sentence has been paid attention, and despite some material on the DVD being pre-OM, it is VERY relevant to this release.

I highly suggest that people watch the DVD first, and THEN listen to "OM" itself. Because of the spiritual nature of this release, it is a necessity to comprehend and understand what their expression is about. It will make "OM" much more logical to take in.

It has been a long wait, but a wait that has been worth it like few albums have. This is not for the faint of heart, nor for the those seeking mindless aggression from their music.

"OM" is pure expression, done in ways that Metal has not seen the likes of before. In my opinion, it is a landmark release: Negură Bunget have finally achieved their higher level of expression. For what I believe in the first time of the history of Black Metal, taken us on a true journey of transcendence.

An outstanding piece of work.

Reign in Acai said:
Just purchase it from Aural. :Smug:

Bloody amazing album! Drudkh, Agalloch, Wolves in the Throne Room, they can all step to the side, this has album of the year written all over it!
It's so damn good it inspired me to pick up the 3cd box set of their back catalogue.

what in the world? ... hahaha ... awesome!
@ Hubster ... great review.
I love this disc and it has so many layers and things going on without being "full of itself" that I forsee months and months later still finding pieces hitting me.

you should post the review in the YOUR REVIEWS section of UM.
Here are my thoughts:

I have all the previous releases by NB including the 3 CD pack. At the moment, this is not a bona-fide classic YET as it is still new to me and is improving with every listen. I listen to it every day and I have to say that on an emotional level, this already eclipses all the other releases!

This will become an all time classic in the near future for me, I'm sure of it. All the best albums take a while to digest.

Looking forward already to the new 'The Axis of Perdition' album next year!!!


Romania’s Negura Bunget have always played Black Metal in a rather unconventional way, lyrics focussing more on the surrounding influential landscapes of their homeland and more emphasis being placed in enigmatic spiritual matters than on the generic satanic doctrines the BM scene is (in)famous for.
Four years after their cyclic masterpiece, ‘N Crugu Bradlui’ they have embarked on another psychedelic, transcendental yet vicious output with their fourth studio album ‘Om’.
Opening with a haunting introduction of an unforgiving, visually invoking soundscape of gargled screams laced in miserable pain entwining with ethereal synths before going into the heroic and weathering riffs of ‘Tesarul de Lumini’. ‘Om’ harkens back to the earlier outputs with ‘Maiastru Sfetnic’ being easily comparable.
‘Om’ tantalises, inspires and reinvents ideals that so far, many bands have shied away from or simply haven’t had the creative acumen to pursue.
Along with the rabid blasts, skin shedding guitars and tormented screams there is a diverse balance within Negura Bunget’s spiritual journey by utilising the strong ideals of eastern European folk and ambience with clean, imperial vocals ascending above, creating a harrowing yet comforting, a warm yet forlorn paradoxical appeal to their identity, ‘Hora Soarelui’ being a clear example of Negura’s growing maturity with melancholic flute flutters showering the undefiled woodblock percussion.
Thinking man’s Black Metal quite simply.
‘Om’ is released on 30th October through Code 666
Review by Lee Macbride
yeah, I think its also safe to say that besides it being "thinking man's BM" it has its fair amount fo headbanging pieces ...more so actually than any of their previous releases.

0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Negura Bunget (Romania)
"Om" - CD (2006)
Sello: Code666 Records
Género: Transilvanian Black Metal
9.00 / 10

Excitante y complejo. Si hay un trabajo que esperaba con especial interés, ese es el nuevo de Negura Bunget. Quizás muchos desconozcan la existencia de esta banda rumana moradora de los fríos y misteriosos Cárpatos de Transilvania, y quizás, podáis pensar que su estilo y lírica se decanta por el camino fácil, vamos, ya me entendéis. La realidad es bien distinta. El estilo que ejecutan es realmente difícil de describir, ya lo venía demostrando su predecesor y auténtica obra de arte, “‘N Crugu Bradului”, aunque para que os vayáis haciendo una idea, su música está bien asentada en el Black Metal típicamente nórdico con matices progresivos y experimentales, desplegando en frecuentes pasajes una enorme agresividad y odio pero también momentos de calma y reflexión. En ciertas ocasiones, muy contadas eso sí, el ritmo y velocidad fluyen como chorros de blast beats de batería, aunque van mucho más allá, lógicamente y es difícil concretar un patrón fijo. Negura Bunget son de las pocas bandas que pueden presumir de haber creado un estilo, de tener una personalidad propia, creando cada día más adeptos a la hora de, por decirlo de alguna forma, “imitar” dicho estilo.
Un apelativo que podría ponerle a la música de estos rumanos es el de ‘Caos’, pero un caos completamente controlado que fluye, se bifurca en diferentes afluentes y que siempre desemboca en su punto de inicio como un sólo cauce, envuelto en un ambiente en ocasiones psicodélico. Sin embargo, para esta obra conceptual llamada “Om”, han dejado en cierta medida este aspecto caótico y se han preocupado de hacer una música que, compleja en relativa menor medida, más completa en todos los aspectos.
Se trata de un trabajo mucho más orquestal y extravagante, con una ambientación fría y mística de carácter pagano, llegando incluso a ser de carácter tribal con tambores, trompas, flautas y otros instrumentos arcaicos que nos sumergen de manera sublime en una época mitológica y ritualística. Por ejemplo, estas voces ritualísticas representan algún tipo de chamán preparando el ritual, a su vez acompañado por los sonidos de algún instrumento de la familia del Xilófono, pero en madera rústico… Al final, consiguen un aura mística y cautivadora que parece envolvernos y hacernos sentir en armonía con el cosmos, proyectándonos hacia otro plano astral. Otro detalle que enriquece más la música y en ocasiones le dan un aspecto melancólico y emotivo, son las voces normales que también fluyen en armonía con el resto de la música, increíble el resultado.
A diferencia de su anterior trabajo, no del Ep “Inarborat Komos” que incluía algunos de los temas ahora presentes, las guitarras y bajo juegan en menor medida con esos dobletes tan peculiares en los que cada uno ejecuta al mismo tiempo diferentes escalas o notas, llegando a crear unas armonías caóticas en apariencia.
No puedo terminar esta reseña sin comentar la increíble y enigmática portada que han preparado para esta obra y cuyo significado, estoy seguro, está relacionado con ese aura ritualístico y misterioso que envuelve a toda la obra.
En definitiva, un trabajo sobresaliente, original como pocos, soberbio, pero que cada cual debe juzgar por sí mismo. “Om” aparecerá en formato Digipack incluyendo un DVD con diferentes videoclips y directos de la banda más una entrevista realizada para la ocasión. Creo que más no se puede pedir…

Reseñado por: Kramthal el 22 / 10 / 2006

Tornano I transilvani Negura Bunget, dopo l’ottimo “’Ncrugu Bradului” di qualche anno fa.
Il ritorno della band ha un che di mistico, di sacrale, di solenne, e le note di questo “Om” trasudano le sensazioni suddette. Tra derive black metal, nuances dark/ambient, folk autoctono e atmosfere fredde, raggelanti, crude, le undici tracce di questo “Om” sono molto simili ad un trip, ad un’esperienza per l’appunto mistica.
Fedeli alla loro lingua madre, devoti alle nebbie dei Carpazi, portatori di un black metal misantropo e isolazionista, la band ci regala pezzi come “Tesarul De Lumini” che ruotano attorno a riffs che sembrano scolpiti nella pietra data la loro monoliticità e maestosità, riffs con mood progressivo, che deragliano verso lidi apocalittici, dove le vocals sono rarefatte, e intervengono solo quando la band decide di accelerare.
Si parlava anche di folk e tradizioni, ben rappresentate nella traccia “Hora Soarelui”, una danza popolare transilvana, la danza del sole. Notevole le capacità interpretative, che oserei definire teatrali, del singer Hupogrammos. Il feeling che promana dalle tracce di questo “Om” è capace di evocare immagini e paesaggi intensi, ricchi di sfumature, a tinte fredde ovviamente, nebbiose, tipicamente autunnali, canto del cigno della natura che va incontro alla morte del rigido inverno. Come mood vengono quasi in mente gli Empyrium di “Weiland”, anche se in chiave meno orchestrale e classicheggiante.
È necessario, per apprezzare appieno la musica dei Negura Bunget, non cercare di dominare la musica, ma abbandonarvisi, e così attraverso le note di pezzi come “Dedesuptul” o “Cel Din Urma Vis” penetrare nel concept della band. Un mondo che solo nell’intima essenza è assimilabile alla filosofia black metal, ma che per altri versi se ne discosta, non presentando alcuno degli stereotipi del genere.
La versione in vendita contiene anche un dvd bonus con ben 9 tracce video, racchiuse in un digipack deluxe. Come al solito la Code666 decide di non lasciare nulla al caso, offrendo al medesimo prezzo di un cd normale, un prodotto quasi da collezione.
Un disco tanto particolare quanto anti-commerciale. In pochi lo avranno, ma forse è meglio così.

Uno dei migliori acts presenti nella scena underground del black metal europeo è sicuramente rappresentato dai rumeni Negura Bunget, che pubblicano nel 2006 il quarto album della loro carriera, nonché secondo sotto l’italiana Code666. ‘OM’ è un concept che pone ancora in evidenza la spiritualità emanata dalle desolate terre della Transilvania, regione d’origine del three-piece black metal: dal punto di vista lirico, in ‘OM’ viene esplorata la tematica della purificazione, come parte di un percorso rituale e mistico. Se ‘‘N Crugu Brandului’ aveva raffigurato un ottimo esempio di commistione tra black metal grezzo e soluzioni più moderne, ‘OM’ va oltre, abbracciando una tavolozza timbrica notevole, dotata di soluzioni mai scontate e banali, grazie anche al forte intervento delle tastiere, leggermente sinfoniche in certi tratti.
La seconda lunga traccia, ‘Tesarul De Lumini’ è splendida nel suo incedere introspettivo e gelido, conferito proprio dall’alternanza tra mid-tempo distesi e ricchi di tastiere atmosferiche e i riff tirati tipici del black. La registrazione e la produzione non sono eccezionali, come non è impeccabile la struttura interna di diversi episodi del platter, ma l’alone che si respira immergendosi in ‘OM’ è inquietante e freddo, fedele ritratto delle foreste della Transilvania in cui si svolgono le vicende basate sul rapporto tra l’individuo e la natura incontrastata che lo circonda.
Da rammentare durante l’ascolto per la sua direzione sperimentale e di certo inusuale per un full-lenght black è la quinta stupenda ‘Inarborat’, che testimonia le grandi doti compositive in possesso del terzetto di Timisoara, capace però di proporre anche pezzi più in linea con la tradizione del genere (‘Dedesuptul’ su tutti).
Pertanto è una bella sorpresa questo ‘OM’, un lavoro non curato nei minimi particolari né studiato con professionalità, ma provvisto di un fascino che rimanda l’ascoltatore alla nascita del genere, quando Ulver, Satyricon e compagni operavano nelle sperdute lande norvegesi. Ultimo appunto va fatto per la copertina, come sempre elaborata e completa di tutti gli elementi che fondano la musica dei Negura Bunget.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Negura Bunget - Om (9/10) - Rumänien - 2006[/FONT]
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Code666
Spielzeit: 67:06
Band homepage: Negura Bunget
  1. Ceasuri Rele
  2. Tesarul De Lumini
  3. Primul Om
  4. Cunoasterea Tãcutã
  5. Inarborat
  6. Dedesuptul
  7. Norilor
  8. De Piatrã
  9. Cel Din Urmã Vis
  10. Hora Soarelui
  11. Al Doilea Om
In der Vergangenheit wurden NEGURA BUNGET als Wölfe im Schafsfell bezeichnet, was den Nagel recht gut auf den Kopf trifft und bis zu einem gewissen Punkt auch auf "Om" zutrifft, nur dass die Rumänen beim Schafereissen mindestens ein Fellvieh erwischt haben, das chemisch etwas aus dem Ruder gelaufen ist, denn das Trio hat mit seinem vierten Album doch einen recht grossen Schritt nach vorne gemacht, der ihnen einige neue Klangwelten eröffnet und die Puristen recht gekonnt aus dem Wege räumt.

Code666 sind ja im Allgemeinen dafür bekannt, dass man keinen Mainstream oder insgesamt einfach aufzunehmende Sachen erwarten sollte und NEGURA BUNGET's neuester Streich macht da absolut keine Ausnahme, da sie den bereits ohnehin nicht sonderlich eingängigen Black Metal noch mehr erweitern und die stilistischen Grenzen endgültig verschwimmen lassen.

Wenn man das lange, düstere und verzweifelte Intro "Ceasuri Rele" überlebt hat, taucht man mit "Tesarul De Lumini" ganz tief in die Welt NEGURA BUNGETs ein, in der grob gesehen der schon seit jeher nicht so ganz gewöhnliche Black Metal der alten NEGURA BUNGET auf die verzweifelten Klangwelten von CULT OF LUNA, die Melancholie von KATATONIA und die sphärischen Elemente von PINK FLOYD (kein Witz) trifft und eine ganz eigene Mischung eingeht, welche die genannten Bands ebenso leicht zitiert wie sich davon distanziert und den Hörer in eine beklemmende, komplexe und definitiv nicht farbenfrohe Landschaft umgeben von wabernden Nebelschwaden und der milchig durch das Grau schimmernde Sonne zieht, während man über teils steiniges, teils sumpfiges Terrain wandert und versucht nicht dem Verlangen nachzugeben sich einfach hinzulegen und auf das Ende zu warten.

"Primul Om" ist ein düsteres Instrumental, das die Hoffnung der Sonne und die desolate Stimmung des Nebels in sich vereint, nach dem "Cunoasterea Tacuta" auch ein paar klar gesungene Passagen einbaut, ein ungemein intensiver Song, der sich wie ein langsam wogender See ständig wandelt und doch die eigene Essenz stets im Zentrum hält. Es dauert nicht lange, bis unweigerlich klar wird, dass NEGURA BUNGET keine Band sind, die man sich nebenbei anhören kann oder die einem sofort eingängig ins Ohr flutscht, "Dedesuptul" ist der endgültige Garant hierfür, da es teils beinahe avantgardistische Züge annimmt und doch ziemlich schwer verdaulich ist. "De Piatra" ist eigentlich das nahestehendste Bindeglied zu ihrer Vergangenheit, obgleich auch es weit entfernt davon ist der standardisierte Black Metal zu sein...

"Cel Din Umra Vis" ist neben dem Opener "Tesarul De Lumini" ein beinahe perfektes Beispiel für den Sound der Rumänen anno 2006, mit weitläufigen Instrumentalpassagen, Black Metal-Elementen, sphärischen Parts und mehr. Auch die Produktion ist klar und kräftig ausgefallen, ohne dabei aber ins klinisch-sterile überzutreten, nein, der Sound hat Charakter und Leben und passt sich perfekt den Kompositionen an.

"Om" ist nicht nur weit mehr als Black Metal, es ist mehr als nur ein Album, es ist eine spirituelle Expression der Kreatoren und man muss willens sein, mit Haut und Haar in diese CD einzutauchen, um sie wirklich komplett erfahren zu können statt nur zu hören. Ein grosses Werk des Metal, das mit gekonnter Zielsicherheit den Mainstream in den Staub schickt.

It is with "struggling perception" that I write these words in the context of this latest Negură Bunget release - "OM" is a complex and layered piece of work and I feel reviewing it would serve an injustice. Music reviews tend to "trap" music by defining it, and I feel this conflicts with "OM" because it's a piece of work which I consider one of the most "vast" I have ever heard.

"OM" can not be approached from a typical Black Metal perspective. To do so would completely ridicule the amount of work that has gone into this new release and pigeonhole it.

This is not an "album": after listening to it countless times, watching the DVD which accompanies the music, accounting for the bands spirituality, combined with the complete visual presentation, I will say that "OM" is "a document", but I use this term as "vastly" as I can. Perhaps saying it's an "experience" is a better portrayal.

"OM" indirectly extends from the treat we got with the Inarborat Kosmos EP, but does so on a truly epic scale. One could almost say that Negură Bunget's entire existence has built up to this release: it combines their journey so far, but then leaps above to a new, almost unfathomable level.

This release is almost "sacred", it is highly conceptualised. Every note played or sung, every drum beat every growl or shriek and every ambient interlude seems to have a clear metaphysical and natural expressive purpose. The album seems to be written and performed in such a way that it is like air: everywhere, flowing through everything, almost physically touchable, having colour and yet having none.

Without being able to decipher the lyrics, I can only draw upon my feelings: this music is about cosmic life. It is about existence on a spiritually vast, yet physically small level. Our physically minute place in the universe, and the vast size of our metaphysical selves. This is what the music, using Black Metal (as a foundation only) speaks to me.

I say Black Metal is used as a foundation because this is where Negură Bunget's path has logically led to. Black Metal influences are still there as they were on "'N Crugu Bradului", but now the music has grown into something with more breath, and funnily enough, I think we first got hint of this higher maturity on "'N Crugu Bradului".

There are more sweeping (note, NOT melodic) elements to the music, we are treated to more ambient soundscapes, sounds of nature itself and excellent use of folk instruments as Negură Bunget have never shown us before. For those seeking the Negură Bunget Black Metal elements, fear not, they are still present, but now balanced with a majestic element to the music, a strikingly obvious and higher maturity delivered via exceptional musical execution.

"OM" can not just be listened to, it must be experienced via multiple senses: emotion, visual and aural in order to make complete sense. I found I came to this realisation more so when I had watched the DVD (more about this realisation in a moment).

The DVD component of "OM" (and I do consider it to be part of "OM" as much as the audio CD is) is jawdropping, the work that has gone into it is truly impressive: the band interview is fascinating and a must-see in order to gain more insight into the music. Every pixel of the artwork, every audible sound and spoken sentence has been paid attention, and despite some material on the DVD being pre-OM, it is VERY relevant to this release.

I highly suggest that people watch the DVD first, and THEN listen to "OM" itself. Because of the spiritual nature of this release, it is a necessity to comprehend and understand what their expression is about. It will make "OM" much more logical to take in.

It has been a long wait, but a wait that has been worth it like few albums have. This is not for the faint of heart, nor for the those seeking mindless aggression from their music.

"OM" is pure expression, done in ways that Metal has not seen the likes of before. In my opinion, it is a landmark release: Negură Bunget have finally achieved their higher level of expression. For what I believe in the first time of the history of Black Metal, taken us on a true journey of transcendence.

An outstanding piece of work.

Official Website
Webstore for purchase

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Negura Bunget - Om (9/10) - Romania - 2006[/FONT]
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Code666
Playing time: 67:06
Band homepage: Negura Bunget
  1. Ceasuri Rele
  2. Tesarul De Lumini
  3. Primul Om
  4. Cunoasterea Tãcutã
  5. Inarborat
  6. Dedesuptul
  7. Norilor
  8. De Piatrã
  9. Cel Din Urmã Vis
  10. Hora Soarelui
  11. Al Doilea Om
In the past NEGURA BUNGET have been described as wolf in sheep skin, which was quite fitting and up to a certain point also matches “Om”, just that while hunting down the sheep the Romanians seem to have hit one or two with some sort of a chemical imbalance, because the trio has made a quite big step forward with its fourth album, discovering new sound scapes, which will take care of any purist from the get go.

Code666 in general are known for not caring much about mainstream or altogether easily accessible stuff and NEGURA BUNGET’s latest is no exception to that rule, because they take their already not very catchy Black Metal and pushing the envelope further, letting the style borders blur.

Once you have survived the long, dark and desperate intro "Ceasuri Rele", you will dive deep into the world of NEGURA BUNGET with "Tesarul De Lumini", where roughly the unusual Black Metal of older NEGURA BUNGET meets the bleak soundscapes of CULT OF LUNA, the melancholy of KATATONIA and the spheric elements of PINK FLOYD (no joke) and form their very own mix, where they cite the mentioned bands as much as they distance themselves, while pulling the listener into an oppressing, complex and definitely not colourful landscape, surrounded by swathes of fog and the milky sun trying to pierce the grey, while wandering across partly rocky, partly swampy terrain, trying not to give in to the urge to just lay down and wait for the end.

"Primul Om" is a dark instrumental, which unites the hope of the sun and the desolate mood of the fog, after which "Cunoasterea Tacuta" also incorporates a few cleanly sung passages, an incredibly intense song, which is ever changing like a slowly moving lake and still keeps its own essence in the centre. It does not take long to fully grasp that NEGURA BUNGET are not a band that you can just listen to in the background or that is accessible at first listen, "Dedesuptul" is the unmistakable guarantor for this, as it takes on almost avantgardistic suits and is pretty hard to digest. "De Piatra" is maybe closest to their past, even though it, too, is far away from standardized Black Metal...

Besides the opener “Tesarul De Lumini“ "Cel Din Umra Vis" is the maybe best example for the Romanians’ sound anno 2006, with extensive instrumental passages, Black Metal elements, spheric parts and more. The production is clear and powerful, too, but without turning sterile, no, the sound has character and life and perfectly fits in with the compositions.

"Om" is not just far more than Black Metal, it is more than just an album, it’s a spiritual expression by the creators and you have to be willing to fully immerse into this CD to fully experience it instead of just listening. A big epos, which sends the mainstream into the dust.


Negura Bunget - Om
code666 - code 030 - 30th October 2006
by Tom Strutton

Om is the fifth full-length studio opus from Transilvania’s Negura Bunget. Ten years on from the release of debut album Zirnindu-Sa and almost four years since 2003’s critically lauded N Crugu Bradului, Om is an admirable, mature and highly sensitive example of contemporary progressive black metal, likely to appeal in large measure to newcomers as well as the converted. At the core of Negura Bunget’s ideology (as outlined in some detail on the band’s official website) is a poetic and spiritual interpretation of ‘…the untouched land meant as Transilvania…a magic chosen place…’. As expected, the translation of such an ideology into musical terms is manifest in haunting and dense soundscapes that here avoid accusations of generic derivation through their sheer gusto; unlike many of its peers Om is stirring where it could easily be sterile. But this is only one of the tricks up Om’s mysterious sleeve – the inventive textures created and maintained right from the off are complemented by moments of rare harmonic sensibility typically alien to the genre. Harmony as propelled through melodic and chordal interaction is the order of the day, displaying an acute yet subtle awareness of the fact that isolated chord progressions themselves too often provide limited aural stimulus to more demanding listeners.

‘Esarul De Lumini’ is an ambitious behemoth of a track, swelling and diving over its 13-minute course. Its most pleasing aspect is its roominess: the time and space it affords the listener to digest it comfortably. Om really shines in its steadfast adherence to the spirit of progressive music, openly displaying the influence of early-seventies prog alongside contemporary forays into such territory. The jazz/world music vibe that introduces ‘Inarborat’ demonstrates exactly what sets Negura Bunget apart from their peers, whilst ‘Dedesuptul’ and ‘De Piatra’ leap confidently into traditional black metal stylistic territory without ever being in danger of sounding tired. Om comes highly recommended as a balanced and focused recording, winning extra points for successfully realizing the band’s spiritual ideology without ever seeming pretentious.


Roel: Negura Bunget timmert al jaren aan de weg maar grote bekendheid heeft men nooit gekregen. Enerzijds logisch, het is tenslotte ondoorgrondelijke muziek en ook nog eens black metal, anderzijds verdient deze band wel meer aandacht dan dat ze tot nu toe hebben gekregen. De Roemenen hebben met 'Om' zichzelf in ieder geval overtroffen op muzikaal vlak.

Het materiaal is zeer moeilijk te typeren terwijl het ontegenzeggelijk tot de black stroming behoort. Negura Bunget slaagt erin een eigen geluid te creëren, een knappe prestatie. Maar om toch een soort houvast voor de argeloze lezer te bieden zal ik pogen wat referenties bij elkaar te schrapen. De nummers zijn meestal vrij lang en kennen uitgesponnen arrangementen die een hypnotische uitwerking kunnen induceren. Daarin is vaak ruimte voor aparte melodielijnen die soms aan Burzum en Drudkh doen denken en voor keyboards die de gitaar ondersteunen en voor een hemelse atmosfeer zorgen. Vocaal bedient men zich van een wijds arsenaal aan stijlen, van krijsen tot schreeuw en van gesproken woord tot gewone zang of chanting. Daar de overgangen in de muziek zeer vloeiend zijn valt de diversiteit te behappen. 'Om' is een zeer goede, innovatieve en originele black metalplaat die de liefhebber zal doen watertanden.

Score: 90/100 (toelichting)
same in english:

Roel: Negura Bunget has been active for many years now but up until now their name never became quite known. This seems logical on one hand, the music isn't catchy and it's black metal. On the other hand, this band really deserves more attention than they've received as yet. In any case the Romanians have outdone themselves musically with 'Om'. The material is very hard to characterise still it is without a doubt black metal. Negura Bunget succeeds in creating an individual sound, which is an excellent achievement. I gathered some points of reference to serve the unprepared reader. The songs are usually quite long and offer stretched arrangements that may induce a hypnotising effect.

Within this a lot of room is reserved for strange melodies, which are reminiscent of Burzum and Drudkh, and keyboards supporting the guitars and providing a heavenly atmosphere. Vocally a wide array of styles is used, from screams, to cries and spoken word to normal clean vocals or even chanting. The transitions in the music are very fluent so the diversity can be grasped easily. 'Om' is a very good, innovative and original black metal record which will leave the fans craving for more.

Rating: 90/100 (details)