
maybe you should re-read the thread again, because i said potatos to represent food. also, i never said music, i said guitar, which represented music. friend <-----just kidding
Sorry if they have been mentioned, but I doubt they have. (sorry if this sounds like advertising, but i just like them so much :goggly: )

They are not "Kveldssanger" like, but they have the same feel to it, which is just as good :P

16 Horsepower and Woven Hand, 16 horsepower was David Eugene Edwards (DEE for short) band, in which he sang, played banjo and wrote songs for. They disbanded and he went on to form Woven Hand. So they are basically the same thing, almost.

16 Horsepower's got like a country kinda sound to it, but not in a corny way. Many songs include a banjo and a guitar tuned to G minor, and the guitar played with a bottleneck. It sounds fucking awesome. Most songs have a really dark, eerie mood, which i guess is what you are looking for. Real early 16 Horsepower got a kind of frantic, hyperactive, "entranced" sound, imo.

Woven Hand still got the same mood, only more experimental.

Some songs:

[ame][/ame] (16 horsepower)

(woven hand)
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