Neon Dreaming


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
This thread probably exists already, but hell.
Post your dreams...whether they be drug induced or not :)
Try interpreting them, too.

Here's one I had 2 nights ago. I was in a parking lot somewhere, and I saw these two dark-haired girls walk by. A bunch of other shit happened (i really don't remember), and I wound up in a movie theatre. Some news screen flashed on and it showed two women that were cut in half across the waist and decapitated--resting on tall wooden poles. I think their arms were missing too. I didn't see it happen in my dream, but it was like a picture they put on screen. They were in the desert with crackled ground....and it was gross because you could see up into their chest cavities...kind of like a Hieronymus Bosch painting. There was no sound at this point, It was like the whole moment was muted. The two girls turned out to be the ones I saw in the parking lot. I guess they were murdered.
Anyway, it was just a *little* disturbing.
Oh yea, i remember telling the person next to me "why the fuck are we watching this shit?" I think i left the theatre then.

any thoughts?
*scratches cheek*

Try watching some TV before you go to bed... maybe that'll make for a different dream. I've heard the last thing you did in the day (if significant enough) can be indirectly incorporated into the night's dream.
I do sometimes, it depends on what happens. I had one the other day where I dreamed my PC was on fire, but I was using it anyway... seemed to work just fine. Shows where my priorities are. :)
:grin: hehe
I read that if you concentrate hard on a thought before you sleep, you can control your dreams or get yourself to remember them easier.

Try listening to music while you sleep (or draw)
You'll get some interesting results.
Same here. Thinking = no sleeping (which is the primary source of most of my insomnia). Also, whatever I am thinking about most I usually don't end up dreaming about. Its usually whatever I was thinking about before I was thinking about the last thing I was thinking about that I don't dream about because I was thinking about it.
several years ago when i was getting into lucid dreaming, i would remember pretty much all my dreams.. but then I got lazy .. and haven't worked on that in a long time.

Most nights I forget my dreams right when i wake up, though I do remember having dreams most every night, just not what they were.

The latest one I remember detailed enough was from a few days ago.

I was outside my house in the yard, and then all these snakes starting climbing out of everywhere.. big ones and little ones. Then there were giant bugs crawling around, and more and more snakes. I had some little brush thing in my hands i could spin around and float above the snakes. And after there were millions of snakes, i floated over to the door of my house and went inside.
ok, this is my wierd dream.

so i was going to a party n everyone was going. aftwards everyone needed a ride home but everyone left and the only people left were you n garrett, ryne, a few of his friends (the ones we never hung with) and john, christen and adam So anyway, when everyone was gone we were all at the skate park by the theater. i desided to walk home n some people get a ride with ryne n some walk with me. When i get there my room is a camper inside a garage and im watching South Park with my (WTF) dog. I fall asleep in my dream but wake up (in the dream) cause i'm tossing and turning.

When i get up i go outside and my house has turned into a giant druglords cambodian mansion hideout. theres a shootout going on and i'm hiding. i'm caught in the gunfire so i jump down a lader and fall into the basment.... i see some moving in the far shadows. i reach are and ind a shotgun. i cock it n make sure its loaded. then i see the moving again. it passes through the light a little and then back into the shadows. i find out its an Alien (like in the movie) and the camp is swarming with em. then i woke up cause my alarm went off. a freaky dream, especially cause a shotgun would be crap against an alien, seeing how its a close range weapon and would splater acidic blood all over.