Neverboard Secret Santa '09

Thank you, Steeeeve!


An Electromagnetic Field detector, Ghost Huntin' book and awesome red LED light!

I opened it up, and I was like "Holy shit, even I haven't thought of asking for this!!"

Very clever, know me better than I do, apparently :D
I have a huge list of places to go with this...and people to drag with me, haha. I had a crazy spirit experience (wow) last weekend..where something tried to open the bathroom door when I was washing my face @ a friend's house. Fucking scary.

I read the book and also learned what the red light is allows you to keep your night vision in the dark. So cool! That is the most hi-tech light I own..I actually had to program it, haha!
Thank yooous!
Yea, it was Emily. The list was posted by Shannon a few pages back wasn't it?
Thank you, Steeeeve!


An Electromagnetic Field detector, Ghost Huntin' book and awesome red LED light!

I opened it up, and I was like "Holy shit, even I haven't thought of asking for this!!"

Very clever, know me better than I do, apparently :D
I have a huge list of places to go with this...and people to drag with me, haha. I had a crazy spirit experience (wow) last weekend..where something tried to open the bathroom door when I was washing my face @ a friend's house. Fucking scary.

I read the book and also learned what the red light is allows you to keep your night vision in the dark. So cool! That is the most hi-tech light I own..I actually had to program it, haha!
Thank yooous!

OMG Thats so cool! there are people who didnt get their gifts.
Hey, I loved mine!

The fact that a lot of people never got their gifts, admittedly sent, isn't anyone's faults. The only responsibility is the enthusiasm and gusto behind giving the gift, and the appreciativeness of recieving one. If anyone is upset by what they got, then fuck you. And if anyone only half-assedly sent one, then fuck you too.

This doesn't have to happen. If you're not into the secret santa and the 'responsibilities' it entails, then you, or we don't need to do this.

But what does it mean when one's 'responsibility' is nothing more than humility and creativity, and one can't even act up to that?
good times.

Although I've agreed with my santa that he/she can send it whenever he wants. But until then that makes 2 years without getting a secret santa present either time! >: o