Neverboard Secret Santa '09

I figured since we all missed the post, I would namelessly quote, the post we missed. Sorry Battle angel's secret santa! :yell: now, git to the post office. Or I will spank you.

Sorry to me person! I haven't been able to get to the post office yet. I haven't forgotten about you!

Oh, and I missed the awesome gift pic Mah got Karen, and Brook's bad ass beer from Lynn. <3 awsome!
That sucks :(

Really guys, why participate if you can't follow through in a timely manner? I'm sure intentions are good, but still :erk:

I agree, I'm prepared to spank anyone who did not send.

Also, come on non pic posting mo fo's git a move on, and post that shit.

Today, spanking all late gift senders, tomorrow, spanking non pic posters. :lol: And I have to scan my shit, imagine if I got beer how hard to scan that would be?

Anyone this year who did not send at all, and don't plan on doing so will just die, without a spanking. :mad:
Lazy canuck. Probably too busy ice skating and drinking Molson.

Before I didn't really have an excuse, at least now I'm in a frantic packing mode. :p I still have the folder, I'll take pictures next week. Promise.

UGH, my gift still hasn't shown up... I have a feeling it's lost.
I mailed mine, apparently never got there 'cause she hasn't said anything.
I believe mine should of already arrived at its destination by now.

I love my presents, OMG!!

I'm out of town right now, but I'll post pictures once I return!

I'll keep it a surprise until then..They were very thoughtful gifts! :D
Thank you!

*I actually got them about 4-5 days ago, but I couldn't get on the Neverboard because my phone is being a dildo and wouldn't let me connect to the intarweb*