Neverboard Secret Santa '09

I just got my gift from the beautiful and talented Lesa! It's absolutely wonderful (pic coming soon), but unfortunately the jerks at FedEx broke the glass!

GAH! I went with fedex because I thought they were more reliable...damn! And I stuffed that thing with popcorns, too!

Oh well..I am so glad the drawing is intact! I'm glad you and your womang like it :)

Happee Holidays to you all!
GAH! I went with fedex because I thought they were more reliable...damn! And I stuffed that thing with popcorns, too!

Oh well..I am so glad the drawing is intact! I'm glad you and your womang like it :)

Happee Holidays to you all!

Next time you should give it to me, I can uber wrap that shit in epic packing Peanut style with some polyfoam around the Picture (which is epic)!

OK here is what Shannon sent me. Just a little pot :)




Pictures can do this drawing no justice. It's so good. The textures and shadows are so deep and alive. It's really amazing! Thank you Shannon, I love it!! :D

It was also surrounded by a bunch of crazy sketches, here are a couple of my favorites :)



Thanks Shan :D
My neighbor collected my mail while I was gone for the holiday, and yesterday I went to her house and picked it up, and what did I find among the rest????




I love it Jamie!!! It goes right into my special NBC collection :) Thank you so much girl, those are awesome!!! :kickass: :kickass::kickass::kickass:
the NBC store is pretty awesome. There was something else there i would have loved to get you, but alas, it was over budget.
You so should totally come to Disneyland sometime! Have you seen the Haunted Mansion done up all NBC? its awesome!
GAH! I went with fedex because I thought they were more reliable...damn! And I stuffed that thing with popcorns, too!

Oh well..I am so glad the drawing is intact! I'm glad you and your womang like it :)

Happee Holidays to you all!

Hey I'm just going to tell you now that I am your secret santa. I won't be able to send out your gift until the 7th when I get paid :)