Neverboard Secret Santa '09

cool.. I'm excited :D The last time I did this, was in school or so.. A while ago...

Sooo.. If the person, who's got me is, is really uncreative and lazy.. lol.. Lemme think.. Since the cold season has started I've been hanging around in coffee shops a lot and got back into writing and journaling again. So you can send me a journal or something.. Some book with blank pages to write. But feel free to send me anything you want, if you have another idea :)
Yeah, the out come of the draw was exciting.

Neener, neener neener! I know who everyone is, nah nah! :heh:

Glad you got the email Karen :)

WHOOT, I need to pull out my holiday avatar. I still have Brooks, and David's from last year if both you guys want me to post them.
Oh brooks in case you want last years :D


Here is yours David!