Nevermore at the Troc - Roll Call


Completely dead and didn't sleep for almost 2 days straight, but still toying with the idea of driving up tonight...
I'm looking for a friend to come with me though, so I won't fall asleep on the wheel driving back home...
I will keep you posted.
Max, you still have the same number?
and is there parking near the club ?
my greyhounds supposed to get me to philly at 4ish but i know itll be late... but the station is literally right across from the troc, so i guess ill just be wandering around philly till will and everyone get there?
my greyhounds supposed to get me to philly at 4ish but i know itll be late... but the station is literally right across from the troc, so i guess ill just be wandering around philly till will and everyone get there?

Still not sure if I can handle driving tonight, (I have to work tomorrow... )
but if I'll come, I will leave here around 3, which will bring me to Philthy around 5. I will know for sure around that time tho... Laura- I have yer number :)

Completely dead and didn't sleep for almost 2 days straight, but still toying with the idea of driving up tonight...
I'm looking for a friend to come with me though, so I won't fall asleep on the wheel driving back home...
I will keep you posted.
Max, you still have the same number?
and is there parking near the club ?

Yeah same number. Catch a few hours of sleep then race up here!
Went to bed for a few hours, and got up at 2, and cannot bring myself to get ready and leave the house.. I am so dead :/
these past 2 months have seriously put their toll on me as soon as I got home.. it';s like my body knows : OK SHE IS HOME I CAN FINALLY DIE
Sorry guys!!

But I am looking not at the NYC show on Tuesday!! (can't possible miss a Nevermore show!)
I'm going to try to get Wednesday off and see.
Max/ Will ? NYC ?
Oh, and the show was super good. The shitty openers bored me, but NM truly delivered. Despite some loopy weirdness before the show, Jim was great on stage. Warrel's falsetto is soundin awesome (exercising it for the sanctuary reunion it would seem).
Fuck, Blackguard was so fucking bad. Despite having seen him perform on youtube, Atilla really amazed me.

WhiteBeast, were you the guy with the Insomnium shirt?

