Nevermore at the Troc - Roll Call

Well hello Will. I'm John. Been a fan of Nevermore since the Demo days. If I look around i may have there 2 demo's someplace.
Hey Will I was a big big Sanctuary fan. Had both album on CD tape and the records. Even have the comp they did with fith angel.
Awesome. Yeah, I have Refuge Denied and Into the Mirror Black on CD, cassette, and vinyl. I have Into the Mirror Live: Black Reflections on CD, and I have that Fifth Angel vinyl, as well.

Awesome. Yeah, I have Refuge Denied and Into the Mirror Black on CD, cassette, and vinyl. I have Into the Mirror Live: Black Reflections on CD, and I have that Fifth Angel vinyl, as well.


i've been trying like hell to get the live album again. i had it back in the day. lent it to someone and well we know what happen next. i know i could find it on a down load site. but i want the real copy