Nevermore at the Troc - Roll Call

Oh, and the show was super good. The shitty openers bored me, but NM truly delivered. Despite some loopy weirdness before the show, Jim was great on stage. Warrel's falsetto is soundin awesome (exercising it for the sanctuary reunion it would seem).

you are correct sir....starting the voice lessons again when we get home to boot..oh and btw I still stand my ground on the battle of the cheesesteaks... Pat's is the shit

That's me right in front of you. Max is in the hat on the left, and Sir Random-Man is on the right. Lol, you found us.
Was at the Nevermore show on Sunday as well. It's been years since I've seen them. All I can say was wow. What a great show. The last time I seen Nevermore. They opened for IN Flames. I got to mee the guys. A friend of mine was a roadie for that tour. Down to earth guys. Signed all my CD. Hell Van said my Cd covers looked like they got some play out of them. Hope it's not 10 more years till I get to see you guys again. Hope to meet up with you all again for a beer at the next show.
Nevermore is one of my all time favs. Thank you so much for all the great music.
Yea I was asking myself who is Will? This tells you how good the show was. It's been a week and I'm still playing all the songs they played in my cd player. I only wish there were some differnt songs. Would have liked to hear Graden of Gray, Matricide, I am the Dog.
I'm not bitching at all. But something older would have been great. This show was one of my top 10's of the year.:muahaha: