nevermore groupies

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metallica sucks osama

how many girls do they fuck during... a one month tour?
who does the most fuckin? inquiring minds wanna know.....
how many of those girls on the fan pics page got fucked by these dudes?
OK, that is the most fucked up post I have ever read.
You're assuming bc they're chicks (girls in the pics on the fan pages) they wanted to or fucked the band.
Is that all you think women into Nevermore are into?
I'll tell you one thing, Nevermore doesn't treat their female fans like trash like most guys in bands do. (Opeth don't seem to be that way either)
I think you are totally LAME for even suggesting this shit.
Who they have sex with is their business anyways, why are you so interested in knowing?
I bet you're one of those assholes who thinks chicks should be barefoot and pregnant too.
Also note Warrel refers to the band as "Neverscore." Makes me think he's more concerned with the music than the groupies.
it surprised me you didn't ask how many dogs they fuck during a month...way to go man

...I didn't know they let animals go on tour with them???

how odd.

Wouldn't it be a bit difficult to fit a horse into a motel room osama??
Actually my current g/f got to score with one of the boys before we got together. And no, it doesn't bother me. She did it before we got together and it didn't make me like the band less. (It wasn't the reason we got together either :D )
mgp----- why would you NOT wanna have sex with girls? should playing music take up all your time and should they be celibate? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!

the 'neverscore" thing was a joke. its supposed to be funny!
Of course, they could have sex with 10 girls each for all I care, I just don't think they're the type to treat their female fans like hoes, nor do I think the chicks in the pics need to be disrespected the way you did them.
I'm all for anyone to have a good time, I just don't like the way you portrayed female Nevermore fans - it wasn't cool. Have some respect for the guys in NVM's girlfriends who may read this board as well.
I've been into metal 13 out of my 28 years, and I get sick and tired of people thinking I want to fuck one of the guys in a band I like because I'm into them. That's all.
I think the Neverscore comment is hilarious - I don't think WD would call the band that if they were out to score chicks at every show. But JMHO. I'm sure if he tried, WD could get laid at every show! :) But like I said, I think the guys have too much respect for themselves and others to act like that. (and I'm not including Curran in that comment, LOL)
so youre saying....having sex with a girl means youre treating her like a ho?

also, which nevermore member do you fantasize about most? does the thought of nevermore, or a horse cross your thoughts while masturbating?

and warrel is joking. i bet they score big every night, unless they are so drunk thats they cant get it up.

what did Qur' An do?
I WAS ASKED TO KISS WD AND SAID NO......I'm a musician......getting my project started........and there's nothing wrong with all depends on if they understand what being a groupie entails.....being seen as a whore and cock holster......nothing intimate in it at all.....if some guy or chick gets off on that shit....more power to them........hell I'd party with a cool band any day of the week.....but my body is for my man.

well that's my speech for today....LOL
Dude, you are completely missing my point and twisting my words to say what you want to I will let this rest, I've said my piece, if you don't get it, your loss.
my loss????? you women are weird. what did i lose?

ladies, if you like a band and wanna have sex with them, it doesnt mean youre a whore.....why does sex always have to negative with women? youre just sharing a pleasurable experience, thats shouldnt be stigmatized for it.
What I meant was....
they don't assume chicks want to screw them when women approach them like some dudes in bands do....(therefore, they don't treat women like hoes)
Sorry, I don't think it's the most morale thing to screw a guy in a band that's just there for the night, call me a prude.
Like true mature humans, then its alright.

MSC: DO you know you use freudian slipups all the time. Your putting your foot in your mouth.
Redwoods,English Oak, and some Australian treess. All develop very slowly, some over hundreds of years. They become strong and resistant to the destructive effects of the environment. On the other hand, weeds are crushed underfoot.

Get my meaning