Nevermore in brazil

No More Beers

Nov 29, 2005

After 5 years waiting, nevermore is surely coming to brazil, this time nobody canceled anything...
i wish steve was here to play with them, but im sure next time he will be here
saturday is THA day!!! :Smokin:
i will see what i can get from the show...
i hope that jeff remembers me from here if we get the chance to talk, but its very unlikely :loco:
the show was awesome, it could be little longer, the set was just 55 minuts long, the setlist was
Final Product
Inside Four Walls
Next In Line
The Heart Collector
I, Voyager
Enemies of Reality
This Godless Endeavor

ill see if can get some photos of the show...

i heard that warrels mother passed away saturday, is this true???
if so, we all have to congratulate nevermore for not cancelling the show... there are bands that cancel shows for much less than this

No More Beers said:
i heard that warrels mother passed away saturday, is this true???
if so, we all have to congratulate nevermore for not cancelling the show... there are bands that cancel shows for much less than this
if this is true, RIP Warrel's mother, and shows Nevermore's dedication towards music and what they do.
It may be just a rumor or a bad joke....
BTW, check out the heart collector on youtube from that show...the crowd knows the solo and lyrics. brazil rules
lordofthesewers said:
if this is true, RIP Warrel's mother, and shows Nevermore's dedication towards music and what they do.
It may be just a rumor or a bad joke....
BTW, check out the heart collector on youtube from that show...the crowd knows the solo and lyrics. brazil rules
i already checked it out, its awesome to see the video and remember the show..
i also have downloaded another video of heart collector and a next in line, but this video is the best one from the show...

about warrels mother, i dont know if its true, anybody knows?