Nevermore in Kerrang


Sanity Assasin
Feb 4, 2002
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Just happened to be browsing through a kerrang magazine at the train station while waiting for my delayed train and I see Nevermore in there. The best rated album of the month. Well 5 Ks. higher than all the others with nothing but praise for the band. Plus, they were giving the album away in that face in the crowd competition.

A bit of exposure sir. Strange but good to see.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
A good band?
In Kerrap?
Odd. Most odd indeed
Man,that mag used to be the metal bible in the early 80's
Venom on the cover, Anvil etc
I see it here now, limp whatever and cost like $17364845648

BWBK cost $6.66 for 4 to 5 back issues

Aardshock is that still around??
Its strange to see, as they are basically contradicting themselves saying this is how metal should be in 2003, asking questions like why are u still listening to linkin park when Jon Davis is on the cover.
I went there not so long ago to watch *cough* bon jovi. It was free and I had plenty of booze and stayed in a cool hotel so well worth it. Im from Leicester(shire) in a town called melton mowbray. Think pork pies. Its in the east midlands so a few hours down from manchester.
Troyanasy said:
Man,that mag used to be the metal bible in the early 80's
Venom on the cover, Anvil etc
I see it here now, limp whatever and cost like $17364845648

BWBK cost $6.66 for 4 to 5 back issues

Aardshock is that still around??

BWBK costs me 14 bucks here . :)
Yea Aardschok is still around. Although they feature some nu-crap now and then. Troy did you ever read "Metal Forces" in the 80?
Brit mag and very good. I remember a great Anacrusis interview. I still have some issues lying around somewere.
I still have issue 3 or 2 with King
My Fave is the Pantera cover (Ratt Crue sound )
I have one with a dude named David Coresh (wako?)
Oh yeah: Nasty Savage are back!!
Wage Of Mayhem

I saved all my old mags,even from the 70's with KISS
Still love the band :hate $immons hate the 154 farewell tours
Hate that they have doubles in the band

Metal Forces was great, Enfer speaking of Enfer Old Loudness Law of Devils Land smokes
hm! Somebody at Kerrang must've gotten a brain or a pair of ears.

Anyhow...BW&BK around here costs seven bucks I think

Same for Terrorizer
Troyanasy said:
I still have issue 3 or 2 with King
My Fave is the Pantera cover (Ratt Crue sound )
I have one with a dude named David Coresh (wako?)
Oh yeah: Nasty Savage are back!!
Wage Of Mayhem

I saved all my old mags,even from the 70's with KISS
Still love the band :hate $immons hate the 154 farewell tours
Hate that they have doubles in the band

Metal Forces was great, Enfer speaking of Enfer Old Loudness Law of Devils Land smokes

Shit man, talking to you is almost like talking to myself :loco:
You can laugh al you want but Project in the Jungle was a damn fine album.

I heard that news about the nasty ones :) I hope to see them live!
And Loudness were the shit! Akira Takasaki man!!! "In The Mirror", Mr Yesman", "Speed". I have had the luck to see them live in my old hometown Eindhoven. They killed live.

"No Heavy Petting" is one of the best albums UFO ever made.
Schenker rules!!
In my living room ,I have a blown up picture of me Michael S and Pete Way,I have never been so happy hahaha.I travelled to N.Y to see the UFO reunion..
To this day,that was the best show ever I've seen
I stood in front of MS and could not believe the feel he ...don't get me goin' about Schenker hahahaha
No Heavy Petting has On with The Action bow
Have you heard of the band Heavy Pettin' The fuckin kill all 80's bon jovi type of music "Hammie" I payed $78 for the CD
Troyanasy said:
In my living room ,I have a blown up picture of me Michael S and Pete Way,I have never been so happy hahaha.I travelled to N.Y to see the UFO reunion..
To this day,that was the best show ever I've seen
I stood in front of MS and could not believe the feel he ...don't get me goin' about Schenker hahahaha
No Heavy Petting has On with The Action bow
Have you heard of the band Heavy Pettin' The fuckin kill all 80's bon jovi type of music "Hammie" I payed $78 for the CD

Schenker in his black with red stripe overal. And Pete Way with his bass hanging so low it almost touches the group. Fucking cool. I missed the reunion tour because I went sick. I kept trowing up. We had tickets and all.. :erk: Maybe one day. I did see Michael Schenker with the Scorpions in Feb 1979 just after "Loverdrive". Unforgetable gig I'll tell you that :)

I believe I reviewed the demo of "Heavy Petting" for Aardschok magazine.