Nevermore kiked tampa florida's ass last night

passenger 57

Mar 18, 2003
Man nevemore out did themselves last night in Ybor City. They totally roked down the Masquerades. They opened up with Narcosynthesis, then played - Seven tongues of God - Never Purify - I,Voyeger - The river dragon has come - Ambivalent - -The Sound Of Silence -enemies of reality -

I have a few pictures of them on stage, and pictures of me with steve smith and warrell up close. Ill post them here tommorow. The whole band came out as usual . Jim is soo nice, he spent like 20 minutes talking to me and the NM fans outside, as well as steve smith...hes awesome. And Van was cool as usual. Ill see you guys later.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
hmm sound of Silence, cool. but we got Who Decides, neener neener

Yea who decides is awesome...well anything that they cold have played would have been perfect...Jim said they were trying to decide ...(decide lol) which song to play. he said it was a toss up of who decides for SoS. Whats cool is that they dont play the same songs every tour like alot of bands i know..they kinda break it up :)