Nevermore on Southpark

NinjaKitten said:
Maybe they do have good taste... but considering they put the nevermore shirt in with the whiney goth kids, maybe they dont like nevermore?

Good point, but then again.. .there are so many other bands that you can
make fun of like that: why Nevermore?
nevermore is pretty neutral when it comes to “jokes”
I don’t know…. :rolleyes:
Brooks said:
It is about Nevermore! Get it?

Edgar Allen Poe....



Politics of Ecstacy!

Its a heavily disguised tribute to our favorite band! Matt and Trey are geniuses!

this just blew my mind.
Blew your mind. Thoughts are formed in the mind. Most men think with their penises. Hookers blow penis. Hookers blow penis for money. Men are capitalist pigs!

Such an ingeniously disguised message, Derick. You truly are a genius.
Dead_Lioness said:
Good point, but then again.. .there are so many other bands that you can
make fun of like that: why Nevermore?
nevermore is pretty neutral when it comes to “jokes”
I don’t know…. :rolleyes:

Yea, I dunno either, it was just a thought.
NinjaKitten said:
I was watching Southpark last night, the one where Stan and Wendy breakup and then Stan is all depressed so he starts hanging out with goth kids and dresses in all black. For the duration of his goth phase, Stan is wearing a Nevermore shirt! I was like whoa! I dont know if anyone else spotted that, but I thought I should bring it up.
Brooks said:
The best Nevermore sighting was in the Sopranos episode, where the kid has a Dreaming Neon Black poster on his wall.

That ruled.

Whoa, never caught that one before. I should go back and find it. DNB owns.
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