Nevermore performing as a quartet - question


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest
Hey ppl.

I live in Israel and am proudly about to see Nevermore on the 28th. Problem is - only Loomis is going to play guitar, no second guitarist. On a recent local interview, Loomis said that this will be preventing them from playing some songs.

I understand the band toured this way in the past. Has anyone seen them play without another guitarist?
How was that like - and what kind of songs did they ditch because of that?
I've seen them without a 2nd guitar and I liked it , you get to enjoy more Loomis that way but still 2 guitars > 1
Actually, some footage of the band playing with just Loomis is floating around on the net somewhere. I can't remember exactly where it was though.
I believe last year they played as a quartet in Sweden Rock... still sounded good! Although they played more DHIADW stuff, it was made when they were a quartet so I guess it's only logical