NEVERMORE Singer: Found Out Via BLABBERMOUTH.NET That Guitarist And Drummer Quit

Explain the thing about Olivia Munn. I never paid much attention to her so I dunno anything besides she sometimes comes across like, "I'm only doing this for the money...get the fuck away from me you fucking dork."
She's gotten cuter.

I, for one, would terminate her. But she's fully lesbian, sadly.
EDIT: I'd even hang out with her afterward, too. She's rad. S'my kind'o'chick.

I was going to suggest that it's possible Liver simply saw the underlying potential in her (I thought I saw something more as well) before seeing your post. :D

She's average.

So are most humans on the planet. Go figure. You know who she really reminds me of? A much younger Tina Fey.
Explain the thing about Olivia Munn. I never paid much attention to her so I dunno anything besides she sometimes comes across like, "I'm only doing this for the money...get the fuck away from me you fucking dork."

That's exactly it. She's a very conceited woman.

I think I'd get off harder to watching her fall down a flight of stairs than actually having sex with her.
Olivia Munn reminds me of the UFC ring girl, who is also a bitch. Personality is a huge part to whether someone is attractive or not. Of course, most guys don't care if a girl has anything interesting to say:lol:
Olivia Munn is absolutely, 100% without a doubt, an average looking chick who's got nothing special going for her. There's a billion Mexican chicks in the south (almost literally) who make her look like ass.
She's got nothing special going on for her, nothing at all. A million (literally) Mexican chicks (I know Munn isn't Mexican) around this area and all around Texas make her look like shit.
Olivia Munn needs to get a strawberry cheesecake. She's basically everything people hate about annoying young college girls in one person: unfunny, unable to STFU, dominating every conversation and turning it into something about her, and thinking that anyone really gives a shit what she has to say.

Ram it in her pooper and then give her a strawberry cheesecake, then throw her ass out your window naked on your lawn, followed by her clothes, and then turn on the fucking sprinkler system. That's what she needs.
And that whole thing about her being nothing special is so true. Yes, she's pretty, that much is true...but all this hubbub about her being some kind of sex symbol? Posing for Playboy? Fucking seriously? I can name at least ten girls that I know personally who put her to shame in almost every way. Don't even get me started on all the hot girls in a 50 km radius of here that I DON'T know...GORGEOUS girls, one after another...and all of them with something more interesting to say than Olivia Munn.
You just made a point I learned in the last few months I really detest in a woman. The need to dominate a conversation.

Dude, that's THE number one thing I can't stand in a woman. I'm getting older and my patience isn't waning so much as it just doesn't exist anymore. There's no reason to be polite and just listen because they KNOW they're dominating the conversation because they think that whatever you have to say isn't as important as whatever bullshit they're spewing.

Now I just call them out on it. Think about it, dude. Life's too short to waste your time listening to some dumb cunt blab about stupid shit. There's no need to be polite, and if you stay there and listen to it then you're just exacerbating the problem.

The older I get the more I realize how much of a dick I am to women who deserve it, and you know what? IT FEELS GREAT. It's like squashing a bug under my foot.
So was Olivia Munn always some super egoist, did she end up that way later, or are you all simply overreacting in a typical fashion? She was honestly one of my favorite things about Attack of the Show.