Nevermore to enter studio this week!

What?!?! Actually a Nevermore related thread on Neverboard? How can this be?

Anyway, awesome news and I´m especially thrilled if the rumors about leaving more space for Warrel´s vocals are true.

And now for something different:
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We need daily updates from the studio! Hopefully somebody is archiving all of the studio footage to keep us informed of the goings on and maybe for a sneak peak at how some of the music is sounding. They also need to make sure that they add a bonus DVD to the release (and that the guy filming it all doesn't disappear unexpectedly).
May this obsidian conspiracy contain a lotta china, diddles and triplets. Drive tha ride, Van!
Studio reports/photos are very welcome.
*pictures Warrel wearing a fire extinguisher strapped to a holster on stage*

Yay, that's exciting news! *does a dance, pets a kitty*