nevermore vs. iced earth II

Nevermore shits all over IE. Nevermore isn't cheesy and never gets boring. Plus they are overall more aesthetically pleasing.
Iced Earth have released a great album with TGB but I think the song writing is so boring and monotonous and the lyrics so one dimensional and boring when you look at the career of the band over the last decade or so.

I enjoy Iced Earth but Nevermore operate on much higher level.
IE is every bad metal cliche trying to not sound dated ...tim is killer but cannot save Jon's sinking egodriven ship
I think even b4 tGE this was put to rest! IE is cool, but this is no contest. IE is like like holding on to that cool band from back in high school, but they don't touch NM. NM is 3-dimensional in ways JS's crew could only ever dream of. If he'd swallow his ego for a while and allow the talented players he has surrounding him contribute to the songwriting, then maybe...but NM would still wipe 'em.
...and don't get me wrong, I have all IE's & D&W's cds and dig them.
What kind of shitty thread is this???
off course Nevermore kicks Iced Earth's ass!!!
First of all. Ripper Owen suck even more dick than i would suppose Rob Halford does! No one could ever top Warrell Dane! thats a fact!!!
All you cocksmokers thinking Iced Earth is a cool band...Think again!
They havent done anything worth mentioning since "burnt offerings"
Nevermore is still going strong!!!
deadheadWester said:
What kind of shitty thread is this???
off course Nevermore kicks Iced Earth's ass!!!
First of all. Ripper Owen suck even more dick than i would suppose Rob Halford does! No one could ever top Warrell Dane! thats a fact!!!
All you cocksmokers thinking Iced Earth is a cool band...Think again!
They havent done anything worth mentioning since "burnt offerings"
Nevermore is still going strong!!!

and it's a time like this I really miss ledmeg