
npearce said:
OK. You people are messed up. The new Nevermore sounds just like it should. It is a thrash album, not a power metal album; therefore, the production is perfect and quite fitting. I just bought it today, and I must say it blows 'Dead Heart' away. The nasty production is way overhyped. It is simply a rougher sound they were going for. I like it.

i agree, the production fits the material very well. i love "dead heart", but its production is so clean and crisp it somehow rids the songs of their depth. this time they really nailed it, you gotta LISTEN to the album, you gotta dive deep into this jungle of nasty riffs and freaky melodies to discover what a gem enemies of reality is. great, great stuff.

also, this album should be played to all of these pussy-nu metal guitarists to show them how a real man plays his seven string.
I agree, if you want to hear seven strings used properly, listen to Nevermore. The production on EOR does tend to obscure that this album is for the most part as carefully crafted as their previous works. And I do detect some Queensryche influence as JK pointed out, though filtered through their nihilistic perspective.
I dig the new Nevermore. Is it as good as "Dead Heart", "Dreaming" or "Politics"? Probably not. Might it have been had Kernon or Sneap produced it? Possibly. As it is, it may not be the #1 CD of the year, as its three predecessors were, but it's Top 5 for sure.

its really growing on me and itll make my top 10 im sure (doubt ill have more than 10 new releases anyway haha), but to be honest if it had the guitar tone from DNB it would be a lot higher on the list. i cant wait till the end of novemember when they come around with dimmu so i can hear the new songs with their good live tone. that show is gonna kick so much ass.
The Nevermore interview in the new Terrorizer did point out their disappointment in not having enough money to record the album the way they really wanted. Nevermore also commented that they were getting tired of bands getting softer an more melodic, and they thought the time was right for them to make something darker and heavier.

As for Loomis playing 7 strings: he started on Dead Heart, I think. Morbid Angel was the first band that I know of to use 7 string guitars. They did it before even Korn made it so popular. Oh . . . and I'm not counting the guy the Ibanez 7 string electric was invented for - Steve Vai.
Hoho - just transcribing the interview with Nevermore. To answer my own question then, of course there are elements of Queensryche in the new album...that's where they got Kelly Gray from. D'oh!
Sitting here listening to "No More Will" from Dreaming neon Black... had forgotten how incredibly bad ass this song is.

JayKeely, you would love the riffage on this one! Tim Calvert (ex-Forbidden) is on this album. Cream thy pants!!!!

What a team.

The part where it gets heavy and Warrel sings "Dry your own eyes, I can't sympathize..." (shivers down the spine)