new advice column preview

Dec 1, 2005
Here's a preview of the new advice column that we'll be launching soon at SMNnews featuring members of XXX Maniak and Impaled

Question: "Hi I'm Derik, 17 years old, and I was wonderin if you could help me out. Alright so I was changing in my room the other day and my mom walked in on my while I wuz BUTT NAKED. Anyways, as soon as she came in I suddenly got hard, my problem is how can I not get hard like that when my mom sees me naked? It's kinda embarrasing because it happens like once a week, please help!"

Anthony West: "Sure let me help you. Every young man has this problem with their mom, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Anyone who has told you they haven’t got a chubby while fantasizing once about their mom is lying. Embrace your incestuous side, who knows it probably turns her on more than it does you. Just keep it all in the family, and maybe get your sister/father in on the action as well, it will really bring your entire family unit to a whole new level. Have fun and be safe!"

Crucified Coma said:
Here's a preview of the new advice column that we'll be launching soon at SMNnews featuring members of XXX Maniak and Impaled

Question: "Hi I'm Derik, 17 years old, and I was wonderin if you could help me out. Alright so I was changing in my room the other day and my mom walked in on my while I wuz BUTT NAKED. Anyways, as soon as she came in I suddenly got hard, my problem is how can I not get hard like that when my mom sees me naked? It's kinda embarrasing because it happens like once a week, please help!"

go to self-promotion, fucking bot fag...