New Akercocke

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May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
"Words that go unspoken, Deeds that go undone", is a masterpiece.
It's pretty clear this place isn't the bastion of metal it was a couple of years ago, but nonetheless - everyone here should go out and buy this fucker as it's sheer class.

"Shelter From The Sand" is the first actually beautiful death/black metal song I've ever heard. It's fucking incredible and not as poofy as the new Opeth.
Dodens Grav said:
Why did you come back?

I just got my attic computer connected to the internet and found this place in my favourites, so thought I'd post something.
Don't worry, as I said this place is not what it once was, thanks mainly to people like you. I won't be posting much, if at all, so you can rest easy. :p
I'm not the moderator, nor am I massaging my ego. You've always been a shitty poster, so you saying that I had a part in changing the board from people like you to people like me is a compliment.
Well, okay. But how you can laugh at me while having that geeky shit as your sig is totally beyond me.
And no one said you were massaging your ego - I was doing it for you by complimenting you. Only a retard would find my post complimentary mind you, but then that explains why this place sees MUCH less traffic now than it once did.
Thanks, as I said, to people like you.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Probably shit considering Choronzon is one of the worst albums I've ever heard.

Hmm, Worm Infested Anal Tract, with a username like that how can you pass judgement on an adult band like this? :Saint:

What exactly is wrong with the downloaded copy of Choronzon you have?
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