It sucks that Pure Light of Mind is so processed sounding because as a whole I find it to be a pretty good song with a nice catchy chorus.
I tend to agree. I think with less Benson and more Anders/Bjorn this track could have been on the same tier as the other ballads in their catalogue. It just tips too far into manufactured territory. especially when it comes to the processing of the vocals.
First 12 seconds, very nice. Got that In Flames vibe for sure. Becomes a bit more arena-rockish but I'm still OK with it. It's a good song opening.
When we get to the verse, I have two thoughts. Firstly, the vocal rhythm and melody is really good. The 'I know my days are numbered' line is one of very few from Foregone that I remember. Throughout this song and indeed Foregone as a whole, the vocal melodies are structured extremely well. I'm guessing this is mostly Benson's work, as when you compare to Siren Charms it's night and day. SC is amateur hour in this regard, whereas Foregone is perfectly crafted. Almost too much, but it would be churlish for me to take points off for being pretty much spot on. Second thought, the vocals sound silly. Even more so when you know it's supposed to be Anders. It sounds nothing like him. Hard to take it seriously even though technically it's solid.
I don't understand why there's growling underneath the pre-chorus vocals and why "I won't be long" is growled. Makes no sense to me. There's no reason to not just sing this.
The pre-chorus and chorus have some nice guitarwork going on throughout, and the vocal melodies are once again spot on, and during the chorus you can even
almost hear Anders rather than ProTools AI.
When the second verse starts, something becomes noticeable that has been bugging me throughout the song. These lyrics don't sound like something Anders would write. Compare the PLoM lyrics to almost anything else from IF back catalogue and they just feel out of place. The lyrics read like they've been written by Benson or one of his cronies for some random butt rock band. 'You took the car heading down south' - down south where, exactly? Who took the car? The more I look at the lyrics, the more vapid and empty they appear. It's just a bunch of cliché's and totally unoriginal lines. Almost every line is like this, honestly. It adds to that fake feeling that seems to permeate Foregone, even on the better tracks.
Anyway, overall - nice song, but largely soulless. Classic Benson.