New album Foregone out February 2023

Eh, I'll listen to Metallica every so often if a song comes on my random shuffle, but I'd never want to listen to a specific Metallica album. That's always been the case, though. Metallica have always just been an "OK" band for me - I respect their early legacy and like some of their songs, but am personally far more into the MDM/PM side of the metal spectrum. Metallica's leanings towards thrash don't really appeal to me as thrash in general doesn't hugely interest me, but their leanings towards more traditional/melodic heavy metal are to my likings.

I don't like Hetfield's derpy Southern drawl post-Black Album which makes Load and Reload difficult listens for me.

In regards to the thread activity here, I am a bit surprised it continues to hold up in this era of X, Reddit, Insta, etc. Granted it is mainly a core group of about six of us posting regularly, but still, a good effort. It's funny because I remember SOAPF period being really active, and it kind of was, but had less overall activity in the album thread than Battles, ITM or Foregone. I'd guess there was probably more posters contributing, but less overall content,
I would also guess this thread had one of the least active periods of actually talking about the new album, because a lot of us who post most often here found it boring. Battles thread might be similar.
SC thread was a lot of fun back them, still having some faith in the band, the "wtf is this" of almost everyone after the release, the puking man forum design... Good times.
The band was... interesting, too. Mohawk+suit hipster Anders, both Daniel and Peter (and Niclas) still in the band, them signing with Sony Music and trying to be all grown-up, the 2nd live DVD and the looming shadow of Benson & Co.

By the way, less than two months before the 10th anniversary of Siren Charms. Rushing through something, getting older every day by two, you know.
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SOAPF thread was a lot of fun. Good vibes for most of that thread, no serious arguing. Pre-Slave era. SC started off in the same vein, but then the album hit and yeah, total devastation for all except Krofius and PlainVanilla, probably a couple of others, who would have been praising the album even if it had been 70 minutes of Anders belching in rhythm to Bjorn playing the banjo. I believe that was the album thread where Slave first posted? But we also had Eochaid joining around one month earlier which brought a balance to things. The thread got kinda negative after the album release though, compared to SOAPF which was positive throughout.

Battles thread was more chilled in some ways, but also featured some brutal arguments. Only most hardcore IF acolytes like Krofius, at the time, and Ciko could even pretend this album was any good. From memory even Slave was like WTF.

ITM thread was quite cool, from memory. A bit like SOAPF in that people were pleasantly surprised and, House and ITL aside, didn't have too much to hate on. Still some arguments here and there, but nothing like SC or Battles threads.

Foregone thread has been probably the calmest. Can't really remember any serious beefs or antagonising going on. A bit boring actually, I should have stepped up my game.

Also @mindd you joined towards the end of 2016, so did you participate in the SC thread under a different alias or just lurking?
I was around at the late SOAPF thread and for the whole SC thread. If I remember correctly, I stumbled upon the forum when searching for some IF-related stuff in 2012 and again after the SC teasers started, but that time I stayed and read through the whole main thread as it developed, didn't post though.

I guess Battles disappointed me too much so I decided to sign up and write something about it and finally joined into the conversation, which I rarely do, haha.
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Foregone thread has been probably the calmest. Can't really remember any serious beefs or antagonising going on. A bit boring actually, I should have stepped up my game.
I guess Foregone is kinda bland, the guys on the Facebook/reddit mostly are like "fuck yeah it's good" and I'm here (and some of you) just don't feel anything about it anymore, with SC-ITM there was kind of more to discuss.

Also, Slave isn't as active this time as he was before, so no A4-sized discussions between you about who is right or wrong. No Laverna/Sister this time around, too.
I think Slave has become old and weary, unsuited for battle at this point. Might also have gotten a wife/girlfriend which would essentially have the same affect on most guys. Not on me, because I'm a beast (in black), but regardless.

I remember one guy who really went in hard on Slave. Only4theweak187 or something? Would write huge posts about how Slave was the embodiment of evil. That was amazing. Think that was the Battles thread.

This may be the first album thread Clay-Man hasn't posted in? Hopefully he just lost interest in the band rather than doing something which landed him in a high security, no internet prison. Can't discount the latter until he posts to prove otherwise though.

Has Sister not posted on this thread at all? I was sure she'd posted a few times. Definitely not had her meme game going this time around though.
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Foregone thread has been probably the calmest. Can't really remember any serious beefs or antagonising going on. A bit boring actually, I should have stepped up my game.
Have in mind that the most combatants of us don't give a shit about the album or the band in its current state. So we've lost interest in discussions.
I think it's also that there isn't really anyone staunchly defending them. Even for Battles there was Krofius and Ciko flying the IFWT flag. This time around, there hasn't really been anyone. So, in the absence of combat, there isn't much to say.

Despite that, we have basically matched the volume of the Battles thread from eight years ago, so it's a good effort.
As far as I can remember, the reactions were, overall, positive. This includes ciko and slave. But, I guess, either the album doesn't rise too much passion or critics just stopped caring about the band.
Reactions were positive, but there was no real defence to any criticisms. Whereas in the past the likes of Slave, Ciko, PlainVanilla, shadow_ and Krofius would passionately rage against any perceived unjust criticism of their heroes.

Nowadays it seems like everyone has joined the dark side. Slave and Ciko only really care about defending Anders and shitting on Jesper these days. Krofius abandoned In Flames a few years back like they never meant a thing to him. The others are long gone. Phobiac puts up a noble defence but he's nowhere near as aggy as his predecessors.

Idk man, feels like in the end our evil, dark-hearted side won... but at what cost?
People who crave fame, fortune and external validation can't just step out of the spotlight and live a quiet life. That's why you have the likes of Trump and Biden still running for President at advanced old age rather than stepping aside to let younger people take the lead.

Granted in Trump's case it might also be because he needs Presidential immunity.
Yeah, do you guys have any room over in the UK for me? I've about had it with American politics and the absolute complete shit show that this country has become. It's fucking everywhere too. I try to avoid all of it as much as possible but it doesn't work. I can't go to the grocery store without seeing some fuckwit wearing a MAGA hat or people complaining about gay marriage or being openly racist. It's ridiculous and I've had about enough.


Yeah, our dark, depressing atmosphere drove everyone away. They'll be back though. Next year when In Flames releases a new single and starts the promotion for their new reggae-inspired post hardcore album. Bjorn will be replaced by Generic American #4 and Howard Benson will be the new frontman. "Guys... this is going to be the best album we've ever done. You're not ready for The Jamaicster Race."

As far as Metallica goes, they were a staple for me growing up. Sometimes I go back and listen to the classics. Songs like Orion and Fade to Black will always have a special place for me. James Hetfield actually lived about 20 minutes away from me before he moved to Colorado and bought a farm or whatever the fuck he's doing out there. He has very much embraced being a redneck, as he is rarely seen without his cowboy boots and hat and weird pants. He left here because its liberal leaning and the people here didn't appreciate the giant bull horns on his huge truck that I can only assume was flying a few Trump flags as well. Very strange that him and Lars share a band because they are completely opposite on life and political views. I'm guessing they don't talk about that stuff.
In terms of politics the UK is actually still somewhat civilized. There's a bit of dislike between Tory voters and all others, but it's nothing like democrats and republicans in the US. When the Conservative PM got ousted a few weeks ago he gave a dignified speech praising his successor in the aftermath, which I couldn't imagine happening in the US these days - and it seems many other countries are going down the same route politically. Our FPTP system also makes it difficult for far right lunatics to really get a foothold, which is a good thing as it's clear from the way people are voting across the world that desperation has set in and the masses are turning to the far right for a solution that will never come. As much as I've spoken out against having a system which basically only allows two parties to win in the past, my observation of human nature since then has led me to believe that having a fully democratic vote would be an even worse idea. Last time the public were given a vote the Brexit decision was made, which was beyond stupid and fuelled largely by ideas of greed and racism.

Anyway, UK in general kind of sucks but it depends where you live. Weather is unpredictable and usually depressing no matter where you are. Politically fairly chilled most of the time.
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As an independent voter who leans slightly left, what it really comes down to is common sense, and there isn't a whole lot of that going on over here. You can't even be a Republican anymore without bending the knee to Trump, and we're seeing people who previously trashed that asshole now do a complete 180 and kiss his ring. Look at his VP pick or people like Nikki Haley who condemned this man and called him vile things both publicly and privately. All of a sudden now they love him. For some reason. There is just no integrity. Trump's followers are stupid enough to believe that people like the two I mentioned (and many, many more) have actually changed their minds. They haven't, nor will they ever. Their initial assessment was correct, Donald Trump is a serious danger, not only to this country but the world, and he is not fit to run a McDonald's, let alone an entire country. The very idea that this is happening AGAIN is so fucking absurd that it's hard to fathom.

Religious and military people seem to love him, and none of us normal people can seem to figure out why since he secretly despises both of those groups. He has point blank insulted both groups publicly, yet they're right there to lick his boots every time he pumps his fist and yells "AMERICA!" It is unbelievably maddening to watch large groups of people flock to this piece of shit like he's some sort of demigod. Long story short, there is a very real chance that America will be run by a bunch of far right lunatics. Again. A nice long vacation over to Europe sounds excellent. Or at least Canada.
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There's a bit of dislike between Tory voters and all others, but it's nothing like democrats and republicans in the US. When the Conservative PM got ousted a few weeks ago he gave a dignified speech praising his successor in the aftermath, which I couldn't imagine happening in the US these days - and it seems many other countries are going down the same route politically
In Spain, we have a representative government. Which implies that the president and the government and choosen by the parliament. The oposition (right and alt-right) is been insisting that we're living under a dictatorship because none of the rest of the parties wanted to vote for them.
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As an independent voter who leans slightly left, what it really comes down to is common sense, and there isn't a whole lot of that going on over here. You can't even be a Republican anymore without bending the knee to Trump, and we're seeing people who previously trashed that asshole now do a complete 180 and kiss his ring. Look at his VP pick or people like Nikki Haley who condemned this man and called him vile things both publicly and privately. All of a sudden now they love him. For some reason. There is just no integrity. Trump's followers are stupid enough to believe that people like the two I mentioned (and many, many more) have actually changed their minds. They haven't, nor will they ever. Their initial assessment was correct, Donald Trump is a serious danger, not only to this country but the world, and he is not fit to run a McDonald's, let alone an entire country. The very idea that this is happening AGAIN is so fucking absurd that it's hard to fathom.

Religious and military people seem to love him, and none of us normal people can seem to figure out why since he secretly despises both of those groups. He has point blank insulted both groups publicly, yet they're right there to lick his boots every time he pumps his fist and yells "AMERICA!" It is unbelievably maddening to watch large groups of people flock to this piece of shit like he's some sort of demigod. Long story short, there is a very real chance that America will be run by a bunch of far right lunatics. Again. A nice long vacation over to Europe sounds excellent. Or at least Canada.

The main problem with deomcracy in its current format, in this country at least, is that a ton of people treat political parties like they're a sports team to support. No matter what their policies, or how much grotesque shit they do, certain people will vote for them no matter what. In the UK that gives the Tories and Labour automatic #1 and #2 in every election, no matter what. The Conservatives have run this country into the fucking ground over the past 14 years, showed a combination of gross incompetence and publicly exposed, blatant corruption across their ranks... and they still have the second most seats in parliament. Labour won the election by a landslide, but still, no other party stands a chance.

It renders the entire system somewhat pointless. It's a limited democracy at best because only two parties can ever actually win. All because of that natural tribalistic instinct within humans that seems worse than ever nowadays. At election time every person should sit down, read all manifestos and decide for themselves which party suits them best. Instead most people just vote for the same party every time - or the party which spreads the most hate about immigrants, people on benefits, etc - and spend the election period shitting on their perceived rivals. It's just sad.

In Spain, we have a representative government. Which implies that the president and the government and choosen by the parliament. The oposition (right and alt-right) is been insisting that we're living under a dictatorship because none of the rest of the parties wanted to vote for them.

Well, our far right parties also do this - but more in regards to the FPTP system. They have a point, honestly, as the FPTP system is pretty outdated and unfair... but it's stopping some seriously fucked up people getting into power, so for now I'm grateful for it. If the election simply went to the popular vote I imagine before long we'd be the same as the States, heading for an absolute lunatic in charge who promises impossible things and builds their entire campaign on division and hatred. What I've come to realise, though, is that there's a huge amount of people who want that - maybe even need it. You simply wouldn't vote for these people if you had any kind of conscience or sense of humanity. I'd happily say that (and have said that) to the faces of people voting for the likes of Trump and Farage. Get fucked. All you're voting for is hatred and you deserve to live in a world that's burning to the ground. Me, less so.
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People here worship political parties too. It's almost as if people can't think for themselves. The reason I don't support one specific party is because all of my views and beliefs don't fall under the umbrella of one. I live in California, a notoriously liberal state. I lean left because I have much less problems with the left's views. I have no problem with LGBTQ+ rights, I want more affordable housing for low income families. The right loves to call the left "radical" but it's part of their insane hypocrisy. If you were to go to Alabama and ask some 30-something year old why they vote Republican, there is a good chance that they will tell you "well, my family has always voted Republican." "Cool, but why do you vote Republican? "Well my grandfather voted that way and so did his father." "Oh ok, that clears it up for me, thanks." Most of them vote that way because growing up, they are told to. That's the party that loves to scream about 'indoctrination." The same people who force religion on their children. You can't make this stuff up. They do not know how to think for themselves. They live their lives on blind faith.

The wife of the man who was killed at Trump's rally refused a phone call from Joe Biden because her husband was a "devout Republican and didn't like him." I can't even begin to put into words how asinine that is. The PRESIDENT called YOUR HOME and you REFUSED IT. Meanwhile, Trump hit the links and made sure he didn't miss his tee time. No phone call. The whole thing is ludicrous. The Trumpers see nothing wrong with any of this. I just want to go back to a time when politics were boring.