I'm interested in your thought process for choosing The Quiet Place! For me, it's a quintessentially Soundtrack to Your Escape song (and as you can tell, I think that Soundtrack along with Siren Charms and Battles collectively are the furthest removed from IF's Melodic Death Metal roots). I'm not disagreeing with your suggestion (there are no definite right and wrong answers, obviously), just trying to figure out how it might work. I guess the synth melody could be moved onto guitars (although it's a very minimalist melody in comparison to the twiddly, folk-influenced melodies typical of the classic IF sound). There are vocals similar to the verse vocals on both Colony and Clayman, make the chorus entirely harsh vocals like Only for the Weak - yeah, I guess OFTW would probably be the blueprint for translating TQP to the classic In Flames 'sound font'.
I always forget that there are some really nice guitar parts in Disconnected (that really DO have that twiddly, folk-influenced IF sound), because I just don't find the song that memorable as a whole. I guess some Whoracle growls would go a long way to making the vocals cooler, and classic IF production would definitely bring those guitar parts to the fore, they'd become the melodic focus of the chorus if the clean vocals were replaced with screams and growls.
Enter Tragedy is an interesting shout. Like Disconnected, replace the 'yell-singing' with traditional Anders harsh vocals and I think that would make a big difference to the overall timbre of the song. It'd definitely be on the Morphing Into Primal end of the melody-riffage spectrum (rather than the Swim end), also some of those riffs are in the 'new IF' mould that tend to use chromatic tones a lot more ,whereas their classic riffs tended to be natural minor or harmonic minor, but the main melodic figure of the song is -almost- Artifacts of the Black Rain with different phrasing, so it could work.
I considered Stay With Me too, which seems stupid considering it's a poppy ballad with soaring clean vocals. It's the guitars; the main melody is pure In Flames, twiddly, folky, natural minor, but also Björn's guitar parts (even the acoustic rhythm guitar) have a lot of movement, which is something I associate with classic In Flames (like Jotun, where the rhythm guitar part under the intro has as much melodic drive as the lead part, and you can really hear it when the rhythm part gets played 'naked' at the end of the song). I honestly don't know if I can see those vocals being replaced by older Anders vocals in the mould of Ordinary Story or Satellites and Astronauts, which is the main hangup I have, but instrumentally, I get it.
Glad to see so much Foregone on your list

. I feel like if you strip out the overproduced clean vocals (which obviously would never exist in classic IF production anyway) there are plenty of instrumentals and harsh vocals that would translate really well.
Just to compound the aneurism I'm sure I've given
@DE4life (sorry, pal), here is my present tier list.
SOAPF/Come Clarity/Foregone
Lunar Strain/STYE/I, The Mask
Siren Charms