So I don't really visit the In Flames reddit because it's practically dead, but I came across some Siren Charms posts on there and... my word.
"Siren Charms"
"To me, Siren Charms is the boldest, out there and the best work by them till date in terms of sonics, sounds, atmosphere and pace. The album art is also one of their best. Props to Anders spending nights in the studio to produce this masterpiece, and that too in a very short amount of time."
I can't tell if this guy is being sarcastic or not. Best work to date? Masterpiece?
"The production, vocals, electronics, synths is absolutely top notch. Best experienced with a glass of wine in hand

More like a barrel of wine. Or, best experienced not at all.
"I got into the band in the 90s, but for me they've had 3 fantastic albums in a row as I absolutely love
Siren Charms,
Battles, and
I, The Mask."
Wow, this guy must be a rarity. A 90s fan (supposedly) who thinks those three albums are 'fantastic'. Even the fanboy bros on here admitted Battles is shit.
"It's my second favorite In Flames album after
The Jester Race. I can't listen to a song off of
Siren Charms without finding myself listening to the whole album. Every single track stands out and there's nothing on there that I would classify as filler."
Uh... did I find
@ThePhobiac 's reddit account?

I'm sure he had Jester Race as #1 and SC as #2 on his list.
"The songs lead into each other in a way that creates a narrative: hopelessness to newfound hope."
This sentence should have stopped at 'hopelessness'.
"There are only two bad things on the album: the production — which emphasizes the drums far too much and drowns out that perfect guitar tone — and the fact that the songs are too short and never reach their full potential. Lots of these songs are begging to be two to three minutes longer."
I take issue with every single part of this post. Way more than two bad things, perfect guitar tone my arse, and as for the songs being too short, no. I'm thankful they weren't any longer. Considering SC songs follow the exact same formula with minimal riffs or creativity, how does this guy think the songs should or even could be
"I think it's an underrated gem and the best IF album of this decade, and I'm still so disappointed that the band decided to play it safe with the follow-up albums. I really, really think they were onto something great."
@Jester Slave 's reddit account?
"Also, "Siren Charms" is my favorite In Flames song of the past ten years and one of the best songs they've ever written."
I don't even know what to say. Who in their right mind would even pick Siren Charms as the best song off the album, let alone their favourite of the last ten years? As for one of the best they've ever written... I mean, I can only make sense of this by assuming it's actually an insult and this fellow actually hates all old IF tracks.
"Yes! Best work of theirs."
No! Worst work of theirs.
"Sirens charms felt like what they were trying to do with playground. I thought playground was terrible, like a failed experiment with new styles. They got it right with sirens."
I think this chap got the albums mixed up, but considering Siren Charms was literally the opposite of SOAPF in almost every way he still isn't making any sense.
"I love siren charms too! Hated it on first listen but had the CD in my car and forced myself to listen to it."
Yes, nothing says 'great album' like 'I hated it but forced myself to listen to it over and over again until I bludgeoned my brain into accepting it as the best thing ever'. This is also known as brainwashing and is not a good thing.
"Unpopular Opinion: siren charms and battles are both better than I The Mask"
Sometimes opinions deserve to be unpopular.
"I know Siren Charms gets a lot of flack but..."
"I think when it comes to song writing this album was close to the Pinnacle for them."
"People just hate it because of the clean vocals"
Which is a perfectly valid reason to hate Siren Charms.
"Yeah, filtered truth is one of their best songs."
Yeah, up there with Dead Eternity, Episode 666, Embody the Invisible, Zombie Inc, As the Future Repeats Today for sure.
"His cleans are amazing, ghe riffs are tough, well structured song, all aroubd powerful album. Ill say this ;
hadnt it been for the fact that it was under "in flames" everyone wouldve loved it"
I'm pretty sure the opposite is true, the fact it was under "In Flames" is the ONLY reason ANYONE claimed to liked it.
"Phenomenal album all around"
Phenomenally shit.
"Siren Charms sounds heavy AF compared to the majority of I, The Mask. I actually don't mind Siren Charms, because it did what it did well."
Everything's Gone and WTWE aside Siren Charms sounds about as heavy as N'Sync. For fuck sake.
"People say The Jester Race is an amazing album, but its their worst material. It has a bunch os fast notes, sweep picking in a single string... and vad vocals! Sound quality sucks aswell."
In fairness this one did get downvoted, but just quoted to prove some people out there genuinely hold this insane opinion.
"It's their worst album, deal with it"
The only true comment in the entire thread is downvoted into oblivion.
Man, in retrospect maybe we were too hard on Ciko, Krofius and Slave in 2014. These guys put them to shame in terms of absolute delusion.