New album is now available!

I GOT IT TODAY! YAY!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :Spin:

Now I go to listen.
I not get it, oh well - I'm glad you guys got it atleast!

I'm hoping Skyfire's 3rd album will be better than the lame 3rd Norther album that just came out. I really like Norther's first 2 but this last one sure is a step back, anyone else hear it that is a Norther fan?
Well Ive listened through the whole thing 3 or 4 times now, and overall its an innovative album for an otherwise usually stale genre. Skyfire have definately found there own sound which good, but Im gonna say Mind Revolution is still my favorite release by them. And I think I probably like Timeless Departure a bit more as well.

Still a solid 9/10 though.
I agree!! The new norther is so dull and uninspired. I dont know why they even bothered to release it. I cant even listen to it straight through. If you wanna get some good new metal releases of 2004, check out the new Insomnium and the new All That Remains!
new Norther blows, I can't even listen to it. They've progressed 0% since Dreams of Endless War.

I've only listened to a bit of Spectral (I saw Troy today), but at the very least, the production is fucking spectacular. Everything sounds fucking amazing, not to mention the bass which is the clearest its ever been. I've only listened to the first 3 tracks and I'm looking forward tot he rest.
Shit. I did what I hate the most, namely saying a record rules/sucks without giving any reason as to why. But when I have the album in my hand, I'll write a review, and then you'll get my two cents (which are actually THREE cents, cos my opinion is so damn important... :)
Mine came today and It's ripping to my Musicmatch Library as I type. Comments on it will come in a few days. Froosch, your copy has surely got to come tomorrow! If not then look to see if the mailman is wearing a Skyfire shirt or something:p
got the cd yesterday, and its better than i thought! Shivering Shade's prolly my fav. im also likin how their using more synth. any plans for a US tour?
AAAhh! What the hell is that? It's like, a really deep, low, guitar. If I didn't know Skyfire better, I'd say it's bass!

Dude, this album kicks ass. I still prefer Mind Revolution, but this is amazing. One thing though... where's the solo?
theres like a tease of a solo at around 2:30 on track 2, but it just goes into a melody (a good melody, just not a solo). i dont really care about no solos though.
froosch said:
AAAhh! What the hell is that? It's like, a really deep, low, guitar. If I didn't know Skyfire better, I'd say it's bass!

Dude, this album kicks ass. I still prefer Mind Revolution, but this is amazing. One thing though... where's the solo?
Damn right froosch, much more and clearer bass on this album...and the 7th string on one rythmguitar does the trick :Smokin:

So u want a solo...just add me on msn and i´ll send u a solo. Acctually i did record a solo on the demoversion of "Effusion of Strength" but it didn´t really fit the rest of the album.

Btw, Martin and i will start to record a new "Chaos Feeds Life" album in a couple of weeks....and i´ll promise u some really fast and kickass solos (and riffs) on that record. (if someone want to realease it of course)

Now just buy our album so we can get on tour:hotjump:
SergeantD1 said:
The album is available at for $13 shipped. For those who are not familiar with THE END RECORDS should get familiar real quick. It's only the best online CD shop available and it never takes more than 4 days to get to me in NY (they are in Utah).

Did you order it from USP or the free standard shipping?