New album is now available!

I like Norther quite a bit. In fact, if I were to rate all 3 of their albums against all 3 of Skyfire's, I take Norther's 1st and 2nd but Skyfire's 3rd. Either way, it's great music and gives you more selection. I eat this Finnish/Swedish sound like candy and I don't really care who sounds like who, I buy all of their albums because I love this genre of metal!!!!
I ordered Imperanon's CD just now. The clips sound like Children of Bodom in their prime with better production and some amazing guitar work. Also heard some power metal vocals and it seems like it should be pretty good.

Also in this order:
Disarmonia Mundi - Fragments of D Generation
Dark Tranquillity - Exposures
Final_Vision said:
I ordered Imperanon's CD just now. The clips sound like Children of Bodom in their prime with better production and some amazing guitar work. Also heard some power metal vocals and it seems like it should be pretty good.

Also in this order:
Disarmonia Mundi - Fragments of D Generation
Dark Tranquillity - Exposures

Hell yea nice fucking taste. Disarmonia Mundi fucking owns, and i'm going to order that DT album soon too.
Holy shit, I heard about the new record today in this very thread! Skyfire is an amazing band with some grazy riffing. Skyfire is the best Sweden has to offer today. I hope the new album is as good as Mind Revolution... The production was a little weak on the past albums, but what I have heard from the samples, the production has got better. We'll see tomorrow or in two days how good it really is since I ordered it today from firebox...

And about these Finnish bands: I wouldn't say Mors Principium Est is anything special. Their riffs are just too simple and repetitive. Just try and compare them to Skyfire's riffs and you see the difference. MPE:s only album is an average one. Imperanon also sounded like something I have experienced a thousand times before. Was it ninth track or something that had this theme melody which is maybe the most boring riff ever made. I'm giving it a change though, I'm downloading it :p
Kirurgisti said:
And about these Finnish bands: I wouldn't say Mors Principium Est is anything special. Their riffs are just too simple and repetitive. Just try and compare them to Skyfire's riffs and you see the difference. MPE:s only album is an average one. Imperanon also sounded like something I have experienced a thousand times before. Was it ninth track or something that had this theme melody which is maybe the most boring riff ever made. I'm giving it a change though, I'm downloading it :p

I thought the same about MPE on first listen. However on repeated takes you can hear how well the riffs, drums, vocals and keys work off of each other. Also I felt the melodies and riffage for the most part seemed very fresh for the genre. And the solos are absolutely brilliant, plus when take into consideration that Inhumanity was recorded in only 10 days with amazing production, this bands ability sky rockets.

I can't wait for more stuff from them.